
An ActiveModel-based API for Zuora that is auto-generated from your zuora.wsdl.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

active_zuora - Auto-Generated ActiveModel Interface for Zuora

TravisCI Code Climate

Use Zuora's API like ActiveRecord. Auto-generate all the classes from the wsdl file, or easily declare your own.

Active Zuora Version 1

This repostiory contains >= Version 2 of Active Zuora

Version 1 can be found at https://github.com/sportngin/active_zuora_v1

Thread Safety

2.0.X versions of Active Zuora are not thread safe. They depend on a version of Savon that is does not work with threads.

As of 2.1.0 Active Zuora is now depending on a thread safe version of Savon


      :username => 'user@example.com',
      :password => 'password'

Enable SOAP logging to stderr, provide your own wsdl file or add custom fields to a list of filtered fields.

      :username => 'user@example.com',
      :password => 'password',
      :log => true,
      :log_filters => [:password, :SessionHeader, :mySecretCustomField1, :mySecretCustomField1], # Defaults to [:password, :SessionHeader]
      :wsdl => 'path/to/zuora.wsdl'

Override the default endpoint or host loaded from the wsdl

ActiveZuora::Base.connection.soap_client.wsdl.endpoint.host = "www.zuora.com" if Rails.env.production?

To add custom headers to your Zuora requests, you can use the following pattern

ActiveZuora::Base.connection.custom_header = { 'X-Foo' => 'Bar' }

Defining Classes

You can auto-generate all your Zuora classes from the wsdl file. It will generate all Z-Objects, like Account and Subscription, and Zuora Complex objects, such as SubscribeRequest.


By default, it will generate the classes inside the ActiveZuora module. But you can specify a different nesting if you'd like.

ActiveZuora.generate_classes :inside => SomeOtherModule

Or, if you prefer, you can define your ZObjects or Complex Types manually.

class Account

  include ActiveZuora::ZObject

  field :name, :string
  field :auto_pay, :boolean, :default => true
  field :balance, :decimal
  field :created_date, :datetime

  has_many :subscriptions, :order => :name
  has_many :active_subscriptions, :class_name => 'Subscription',
    :conditions => { :status => 'Active' },
    :order => [ :name, :desc ]
  belongs_to :parent, :class_name => 'Account'
  has_many :children, :class_name => 'Account', :foreign_key => :parent_id, :inverse_of => :parent

  validates_presence_of :name


class SubscriptionData

  include ActiveZuora::Base

  field :subscription, :object
  field :rate_plan_data, :object, :array => true


Saving, Updating, and Deleting

These familiar functions are available: save, create, and update_attributes, along with ! versions that raise exceptions upon failure.

account = ActiveZuora::Account.new :name => "Frank's Pest Control"

account = ActiveZuora::Account.create! :name => "Frank's Pest Control"
account.update_attributes :auto_pay => false, :currency => "USD"

Changes are also tracked.

account = ActiveZuora::Account.new :name => "Frank's Pest Control"
account.changes # { :name => [nil, "Frank's Pest Control"] }
account.changes # []

Errors are captured using ActiveModel::Validations, or from error messages received from the server.

account = ActiveZuora::Account.new
account.save # false
account.errors # { :base => ["Missing attribute: Name"] } # Returned from server.

Delete a record with #delete.




ActiveZuora::Account.where(:name => "Frank's Pest Control").all

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:name => { :like => '%Pest Control' }).count

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:auto_pay => true).or(:balance => 0).all

ActiveZuora::Account.select(:id, :name).where(:created_date => { "<" => Date.yesterday })

There is no "order by" clause in the ZQL query language, but ActiveZuora's query system can post-sort results for you:

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:status => "Active").order(:name)

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:status => "Draft").order(:created_date, :desc)

By default, every Query object caches the results once you call an array-like method on it. However, if you know you'll have a very large result set and you just want to iterate through them without keeping them, you can use find_each.

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:status => "Active").find_each do |account|


ActiveZuora::Account.instance_eval do
  scope :active, :status => "Active"
  scope :draft, where(:status => "Draft")
  scope :since, lambda { |datetime| where(:created_date => { ">=" => datetime }) }

ActiveZuora::Account.select(:id).draft.since(Date.new 2012).to_zql
# => "select Id from Account where Status = 'Draft' and CreatedDate >= '2012-01-01T00:00:00+08:00'"

Like ActiveRecord, you can also chain any class method on the ZObject, since named scopes are nothing more than class methods that return a Relation object.

Update or Delete Using Queries

You can update or delete multiple records at once. The following command issues two requests to the Zuora API server: the first to query for the records, and the second to update them all at once. The method returns the count of records that were successfully updated.

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:status => "Draft").update_all :status => "Active" # 56

You can also use a block to update your records, in case your updates depend on the records themselves.

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:status => "Draft").update_all do |account|
  account.name += " (#{account.currency})"

You can also delete all records matching a query as well. The method returns the amount of records deleted.

ActiveZuora::Account.where(:status => "Draft").delete_all # 56

Batch Subscribe

You can submit up to 50 subscribe requests on a single subscribe call per the Zuora documentation. To batch subscribe requests, use the CollectionProxy to build a collection of subscribe requests, then call batch_subscribe

ActiveZuora::CollectionProxy.new([ActiveZuora::SubscribeRequest.new({account: {}, bill_to: {}, subscription_data:{}}), 
                                  ActiveZuora::SubscribeRequest.new({account: {}, bill_to: {}, subscription_data:{}})]).batch_subscribe


Active Zuora is released under the MIT license:



Bug reports and feature requests can be filed as github issues here:
