
Computer Architecture & Organization, optimize code

Primary LanguageC++

Image Rescale, a task in Computer Architecture & Organization, for optimization code

	Bilinear interpolation Method

Subject to:
	Disable the Compiler Optimazation
	To maximize the ratio(FPS) between the naive algorithm and your code

For more details, please read the source code

Author: Jian Li (ID:yinyanghu), an undergraduate student in Nanjing University, China
E-mail: lijianxp2005@gmail.com
Google Talk: lijianxp2005@gmail.com

March 31, 2012:
	Project is established!
	Just for pushing these code to Github

	Fixed some bugs!
	Release Ver 1.32	

		Ratio: 13.00
		FPS: 23.00

April 1, 2012:
	Creat makefile!

	Release Ver 1.5
		Ratio: 15.17
		FPS: 24.47

		Ratio: 14.00
		FPS: 23.33
Almost Finished!

Jian Li, 2012