# Visual Controls For Lua in QUIK (QVCLua)

## About
It's Visual Controls library for Lua in QUIK (named QVCLua).
For more information see https://quik2dde.ru/viewtopic.php?id=111

## Installing
Put qvcl.dll file to QUIK folder (near with info.exe).

## Building
Now the project is corrected for building in Lazarus 2.0.10. I don't have information about building in other versions of Lazarus.
The project has two building configurations:
- Win32 (Lua5.1) - for QUIK 6.x and 7.x
- Win64 (Lua5.3) - for QUIK 8.5 and later

## Based on
Visual Controls For LUA (VCLua)

version 0.5.0
platform WINDOWS, LINUX, MacOS
luaversion 5.2
date 04/06/2014