
docker-based dcs system for CMS tracker upgrade in Lyon

Primary LanguagePython

Tracker DCS Louvain

Overall Architecture

The system follows a microservice architecture. Each module in this architecture is deployed as a docker container.

The whole architecture is described and managed using podman.

DISCLAIMER: this package is under active development, and the stack architecture is not final.

Users interact with the architecture through a gateway with two modules:

  • a grafana web server: monitoring dashboards
  • a node-red web server: labview equivalent for the slow control and logic

In the stack, sensors, devices, and user interfaces mostly communicate with the MQTT protocol, as they only need to send and receive simple information, like a power-on instruction, or a temperature reading as a function of time.

An exception is the PH2ACF interface. A calibration run will generate a large amount of data. This data will probably directly be to a MongoDB database, which is more adapted to this kind of data. Still, PH2ACF is piloted via MQTT. The two databases, InfluxDB and MongoDB, are synchronized via a timestamp attached to the data. Note:this is not implemented yet.


The architecture is deployed with Podman, and we use docker images built for X86_64 systems. Therefore, the tracker DCS stack can run on any computer with this architecture (PC, macs). Podman is a drop-in replacement for Docker that allows to run on a machine without administrator rights, and makes it easier to implement stacks of several applications that need to communicate (similarly to docker-compose). In particular, all services simply interact by connecting to localhost.

For an introduction to docker, docker-compose, InfluxDB, and Grafana, you could check this blog article

To install, first clone this repository to your machine, and go inside:

git clone https://github.com/swertz/tracker_dcs.git -b podman_epics
cd tracker_dcs

Then, install podman for your platform.

Following the instructions to setup rootless podman might be useful in some cases...

Creating the stack

First create the directories which will be bind-mounted:

mkdir influxdb grafana

Using kube file

This is experimental:

podman play kube tracker_dcs-base.yml


First, we create a pod:

podman pod create --name tracker_dcs -p 8086 -p 3000 -p 1880 -p 1883

Ports are shared for influxdb (8086), grafana (3000), nodered (1880), and mosquito (1883).

First build the required image (later could put them on a registry):

podman build -t localhost/node-red ./node-red
podman build -t localhost/pyepics ./trackerdcs

Then, run the containers for influxDB,telegraf, mosquitto, grafana and node-red:

podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --userns=keep-id --name tdcs_influx -v ./influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb influxdb
podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --name tdcs_telegraf -v ./telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:ro telegraf
podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --userns=keep-id --name tdcs_mosquitto -v mosquitto_data:/mosquitto/data -v mosquitto_log:/mosquitto/log -v ./mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf eclipse-mosquitto
podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --userns=keep-id -u $(id -u) --name tdcs_grafana -v ./grafana:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana
podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --userns=keep-id --name tdcs_node-red -v ./node-red/data:/data localhost/node-red

We use --userns=keep-id and (-u $(id -u) for grafana because by default it runs with a different user) to be able to write to the bind volumes.


  • On SLC/CC7 note the containers should use -u 0:0 instead of --userns
  • With the old version of podman on CC7, --init is not supported

Initialiazing the DB

If it's the first time, you will need to create a test DB:

$ podman exec -it tdcs_influx influx
> create database testdb

Configuring grafana

First go to Configuration > Data sources, click Add data source, select InfluxDB, set:

  • name: InfluxDB
  • URL: http://localhost:8086
  • Database: testdb

Then go to Dashboards > Manage, click on Import, then Upload JSON file and select the file grafana.json from this repository.

When making changes to the dashboard, you'll need to re-export as JSON by going to Dashboard settings (from within the dashboard), JSON model. There seems to be no good way to save the user credentials and database settings...

TODO: credentials?


Development from remote

It is possible to run the stack "locally", on a machine outside the UCL network. To make sure the DCS can access the hardware, you'll need to do the following:

  • sshuttle -r server02.fynu.ucl.ac.be (redirects all trafic through server02)
  • On the DAQ PC, open a connection and pipe the Julabo serial control through it:
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 4800 crtscts cs7 -parodd
nc -lkv 8000 > /dev/ttyUSB0 < /dev/ttyUSB0

Launching the DCS

We can then run the CAEN power supply control backend, specifying the IP of the CAEN mainframe, and the YAML file listing the PS channels and connected modules (see example):

podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --name tdcs_caen -e EPICS_CA_NAME_SERVERS= -e EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST=NO -v ./trackerdcs/caen-fsm:/usr/src/app/caen-fsm localhost/pyepics python -u caen-fsm/dcs.py --mqtt-host localhost caen-fsm/example.yml

And the Julabo chiller control backend. If running on the PC connected to the serial adapter, run:

podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --name tcds_chiller -v ./trackerdcs/julabo-fsm:/usr/src/app/julabo-fsm --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0:rw localhost/pyepics python -u julabo-fsm/julabo_serial.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --mqtt-host localhost --start-mqtt

If running on a remote PC, run:

podman run --pod tracker_dcs -d --init --name tcds_chiller -v ./trackerdcs/julabo-fsm:/usr/src/app/julabo-fsm localhost/pyepics python -u julabo-fsm/julabo_serial.py --port IP:PORT --mqtt-host localhost --start-mqtt

Where IP:PORT corresponds to the connection opened using the nc command above.

Note: when running inside the UCL network EPICS can also work with -e EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST= instead of the above.

Accessing the services

Passwords : ask Sebastien

From the host machine

From remote

To connect from outside the UCL network to the pod services running on the DAQ PC inside, run sshuttle -r server02.fynu.ucl.ac.be

You can then access the pages at:


  • share grafana configuration
  • set up a mockup test suite?
  • security:
    • grafana: just change password
    • nodered: how to handle credentials
    • influxdb: keep it confined - expose?
    • mosquitto: keep it confined - securing mosquitto is too painful.
  • backups: set up a backup procedure for all named volumes in the stack