
Cfengine 3 library to support Python package manager pip

The cf3-pip repo contains an extension written for the CFEngine 3 library. Goal
was to have a means to easily manage Python packages from a CFEngine setup.

With this extension Python package manager 'pip' -- which is an acronym for
'pip installs packages' -- is supported as one of the package managers
available in CFEngine. It makes it possible to install and remove Python
packages both globally as well as in a virtual environment. For the latter
you'll need an environment with the Python package 'virtualenv'.

The extension itself can be found in the file 'pip.cf'.

Sample usage:

# Main Cfengine 3 configuration file
body common control
    bundlesequence => { pip_example };

    inputs => {

bundle agent pip_example
            # Define the packages to install/delete
            "pkgadd[yolk]"  string  => "0.4.3";

            "pip_delete"    slist   => {

        # Install yolk globally and in the virtual environment at
        # /data/virtualenvs/testenv
        "any" usebundle => pip_install_pkg("pip_example.pkgadd");
        "any" usebundle => pip_install_pkg_virtualenv("pip_example.pkgadd", "/data/virtualenvs/testenv");

        # Uninstall dummypkg1 and dummypkg2 globally and from the virtual
        # environment at /data/virtualenvs/testenv
        "any" usebundle => pip_uninstall_pkg($(pip_example.pip_delete));
        "any" usebundle => pip_uninstall_pkg_virtualenv($(pip_example.pip_delete), "/data/virtualenvs/testenv");