Beginner Bootcamp Homework

Hello beginner bootcampers. Here is your first formal homework assignment!

I expect you to do this assignment individually. I will notice if you copy another students code.
To be 100% clear: If I notice you copying other students homework you will get an invoice for the course.
Don't discuss the homework in slack

  • Download the starter files
  • Make a local git repo and use it to track your work
  • When you're done add a remote and push to your github
  • Send the link to your repo to before Saturday 22:00


  • I expect you give this homework assignment your best shot.
  • You should be able to complete this homework without my help if there was no time limit.
  • I expect you to spend 6-8 hours on this assignment. You can spend more but prioritize enough sleep, doing laundry etc.
  • I expect people without experience to be able to implement most tests
  • I expect some people with programming experience before this bootcamp to able to finish the whole assignment within the time-limit.


  • Use readest, stackoverflow and documentation
  • Check the tests on the page for hints
  • Write the code step by step and use console.log() to check yourself
  • If you can't get a certain test to pass try a different one. Don't get stuck on a single thing for a whole day.
  • You get no points for Extra CSS that is not in the assignment (except the fuzzy feeling in your own brain)
  • If you feel you had a bad result write a reflection on your way of working in the readme of your project

Section 1. Creating the hero object

Press the 'Run the tests' button to run the automated tests Follow the instructions in section to create the hero object.

Section 2. Implementing the basic game logic and UI

Press the 'Run the tests' button to run the automated tests Follow the instructions to implment resting, picking up items and equipping a weapon game logic. These are all functions that will manipulate your hero object. Each of these function will need some user interface.

note: You could implement this game logic in many other ways. But in order for the tests to guide you the instructions are very specific.

Section 3. CSS

  • Link an external stylesheet and make all the pictures the same size.

Section 4 - Bonus: Show me what you got

  • Write displayStats function that writes your hero's name, health, weapontype, weapon damage to the page. Call it at the end of your script

  • Create a form that allow users to change the name of their hero.

  • Call displayStats when some data of the hero has change to update the page.

  • Implement fighting an enemy. (how you do it is up to you!)

  • When an enemy or weapon gets clicked it gets deleted from the page