
This week's assignment was to make an API to manage your playlists with different songs, stored in a Postgres database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Codaisseur Homework Week 5

The assignment is to make some sort of "Spotify API"; You'll make an API to manage your playlists with different songs, stored in a Postgres database.


The requirements are listed below.


  • A user should be able to sign up by posting email, password, and password_confirmation to /users
  • A user should be able to sign in by posting to /tokens and get a response { token: "<JWT>" }
  • A user should be able to authenticate using an Authorization header with a Bearer <JWT>


  • POST /playlists: A user should be able to create a playlist (with just a name)
  • GET /playlists: A user should be able to retrieve all their playlists
  • GET /playlists/:id: A user should be able to get a single one of their playlists, with all the songs on it (but no others).
  • DELETE /playlists/:id: A user may delete their playlists, and all songs on it.


  • POST /playlists/:id/songs: A user should be able to add songs to their playlists. A song has:
    • A title
    • An artist (name)
    • An album (title)
  • A song can only be on one playlist.


All data should be scoped to the user doing the request. E.g. a user may only see their own playlists. If a resource does not exist, or if it does not belong to the authenticated user, you return a 404. So there is no need to return a 401 if the resource does exist, but may not be accessible by that user.

Other status codes

Make sure to return the right one of these status codes: 200 (ok), 201 (created), 204 (no content), 422 (if a resource can't be saved or updated because it's invalid), 404 (not found), 401 (not authorized, not authenticated).

Handing In

  • Deploy to Heroku
  • Send the link to your Heroku app, as well as the link to your Github repo to teachers@codaisseur.com


As a bonus, some other endpoints can be implemented:

  • GET /artists: A user should be able to retrieve a list of artists, with all their songs (from the different playlists).
  • PUT /playlists/:id/songs/:id: A user should be able to change song information, even move it to another playlist.
  • DELETE /playlists/:id/songs/:id: A user should be able to delete songs from their playlist.