Project "Conference Organization App"

This is the result I achieved for Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree - Project 5: Linux Server Configuration. For this project I've taken a baseline installation of a Linux distribution on a virtual machine and prepared it to host the Catalog App project from earlier in the Nanodegree program.

The project has been reviewed by me. According to me, based on the rubric used by the Udacity reviewer, this code at least:

  • Meets Specifications: (User Management) Remote login of the root user has been disabled, a remote user that can sudo to root has been defined, user passwords are set securely.
  • Exceeds Specifications: (Security) The firewall has been configured to monitor for repeat unsuccessful login attempts and appropriately bans attackers; cron scripts have been included to automatically manage package updates.
  • Exceeds Specifications: (Application Functionality) The VM included monitoring applications that provide automateed feedback on application availability status and/or system security alerts.
  • Meets Specifications: (Configuration File Comments) Comments are present and effectively explain longer code procedures.
  • Meets Specifications: (Documentation) A README file is included detailing all steps required to successfully run the application.

Development Environment

For reviewing -- upon graduation form the Nanodegree program -- this project is running in a development environment. This environment is on an Amazon AWS EC2 instance accessible by the reviewer.

IP address port 2200

The grader can login to this machine by issuing the following command:

$ ssh -p 2200 -i <rsa_key>

Instead of <rsa_key>, the grader should substitute it with the full path of the RSA key I provided when handing in the project (for example ~/.ssh/id_rsa_grader).

The web-frontend of the Catalog App can be opened in your browser, at the URL


Because I already have experience with CFEngine and Puppet for configuration management, for this project I wanted to use a tool that's new for me. As I've heard a lot of good things about Ansible, I decided to learn Ansible this time.

My idea was to have a separate user deploy on the VM that will be used by Ansible for the provisioning of the VM and deployment of the Catalog app. The exact things that have to be done for the provisioning are described in so called 'playbooks'.

Ansible Playbooks

An Ansible playbook is a very readable YAML file because it's almost self-documenting. A playbook starts with a name and a hosts-definition, and optionally some variables you want to use:

- name: Prepare host for deployments by deploy user only
  hosts: udacity_p5
    deploy_user_name: deploy
    deploy_public_key: ~/.ssh/
    ssh_port: 22

This is copied from the playbook that will get the VM ready for provisioning by the deploy user, and limit access to the machine. In fact, the name says so. The hosts-value is referring to section udacity_p5 in the given inventory file, which looks like this:


So the playbook will only run on the host

The rest of the playbook are all the definitions of tasks that need to be executed. It's all again self-documenting:

    - name: the deploy user exists
        name: "{{ deploy_user_name }}"
        append: yes
        shell: /bin/bash

This task for example, will (as the name is already telling you) make sure that a user with the name stored in variable deploy_user_name is existing. In this case it will be user deploy which will be used in the main playbook to provision the VM. The shell of the new user will be set to bin/bash.

Install Ansible

I'm using OS X with brew as my package manager. Installing Ansible with brew has been done like this:

$ brew install ansible

Make key pairs for users

Ansible should connect to the VM as user deploy, with key based authentication. Therefore I've created a key pair on my local machine:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "Ansible User"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/me/.ssh/id_rsa): id_rsa_ansible
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in id_rsa_ansible.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ansible User
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|          xxxxx x|
|         xxxxxxxx|
|         xxxxxxxx|
|       xxxx xxxx |
|        xx xxxx  |
|            xxx  |
|            x x  |
|           x x   |
|            x    |

I did the same to create a key pair for the grader user.

DNS and SSH settings

For convenience, I've added a CNAME-record to the DNS settings of my domain, so the Virtual Machine can be reached at address

$ host has address is an alias for

To make it possible for non-interactive scripts to connect with the host, I've once connected with it manualy, so the host will be added to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/udacity_key.rsa root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:bb:f0:46:17:66:a8:e2:1f:48:db:ec:22:d2:5e:8b:88.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

Limit access to VM

I've made an Ansible playbook that will prepare the VM with a sudo-user deploy as the only user that will be granted access. It will configure the SSH server to disable root login, disable password authentication, and listen on port 2200. UFW will be configured to only accept incoming traffic on port 2200.

The playbook is called prepare.yml, and it's runned with the inventory file inventory_prepare.ini to make it run on the VM. When the playbook is run for the first time, it'll give you the following output:

$ ansible-playbook --inventory-file=inventory_prepare.ini prepare.yml

PLAY [Prepare host for deployments by deploy user only] ************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [the deploy user exists] **************************************************
changed: []

TASK [the deploy user has authorized keys] *************************************
changed: []

TASK [the deploy user can sudo] ************************************************
changed: []

TASK [root login is disabled] **************************************************
changed: []

TASK [password authentication is disabled] *************************************
ok: []

TASK [SSH is listening on port 2200] *******************************************
changed: []

TASK [UFW is installed] ********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [UFW is enabled with policy to deny by default] ***************************
changed: []

TASK [port 2200 (for SSH) is open in UFW] **************************************
changed: []

RUNNING HANDLER [SSH restart] **************************************************
changed: []

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************  : ok=11   changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0

Ansible executes these tasks on the right machine, because it's listed in the given inventory file.

It takes about half a minute until this playbook is finished. After these preparations, all the required deployments are done by a different playbook.


The playbook to complete the deployment takes a couple of minutes to complete. It is stored in deploy.yml and is run with the inventory inventory_deploy.ini to make sure it's targeted at port 2200 of the VM. The following output will give you an idea of all the steps it takes to get the machine provisioned according to the requirements specified in the project:

$ ansible-playbook --inventory-file=inventory_deploy.ini deploy.yml --user=deploy --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible --sudo

PLAY [Perform Basic Configuration] *********************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [hostname set to] *******************************
changed: []

TASK [hosts file configured with] ********************
changed: []

TASK [user grader exists] ******************************************************
changed: []

TASK [user grader has authorized keys] *****************************************
changed: []

TASK [user grader can sudo] ****************************************************
changed: []

TASK [APT package cache up-to-date] ********************************************
ok: []

TASK [packages upgraded] *******************************************************
changed: []

TASK [timezone set to Etc/UTC] *************************************************
ok: []

TASK [timezone data reconfigured] **********************************************
skipping: []

PLAY [Secure Server] ***********************************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [SSH is listening on port 2200] *******************************************
ok: []

TASK [root login is disabled] **************************************************
ok: []

TASK [password authentication is disabled] *************************************
ok: []

TASK [key-based authentication is enforced] ************************************
ok: []

TASK [UFW is installed] ********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [UFW is enabled with policy to deny by default] ***************************
ok: []

TASK [incoming traffic allowed on port 2200 (for SSH)] *************************
ok: []

TASK [incoming traffic allowed on port 80 (HTTP)] ******************************
changed: []

TASK [incoming traffic allowed on port 123 (NTP)] ******************************
changed: []

TASK [packages for extra security measures installed] **************************
changed: []

TASK [unattended upgrades configured] ******************************************
changed: []

TASK [Postfix configured to relay email for Logwatch] **************************
changed: [] => (item={u'vtype': u'string', u'question': u'postfix/mailname', u'value': u''})
changed: [] => (item={u'vtype': u'string', u'question': u'postfix/mail_mailer_type', u'value': u'Internet Site'})

TASK [Logwatch configured for daily log summary] *******************************
changed: []

PLAY [Install Application] *****************************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Apache with mod_wsgi installed] ******************************************
changed: []

TASK [mod_wsgi enabled] ********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [packages needed for Catalog App installed] *******************************
changed: []

TASK [PyPI package oauth2client installed] *************************************
changed: []

TASK [PyPI package requests installed] *****************************************
ok: []

TASK [Git installed] ***********************************************************
changed: []

TASK [Catalog App project cloned] **********************************************
changed: []

TASK [Catalog App synchronized to docroot] *************************************
changed: [ ->]

TASK [path to client_secrets.json patched] *************************************
changed: []

TASK [client_secrets.json patched] *********************************************
changed: []

TASK [WSGI set up for Beer Catalog website] ************************************
changed: []

TASK [host configuration created for Beer Catalog website] *********************
changed: []

TASK [default site configuration disabled] *************************************
changed: []

TASK [site configuration for Beer Catalog website enabled] *********************
changed: []

TASK [PostgreSQL installed] ****************************************************
changed: []

TASK [user for database beercatalog set up] ************************************
changed: []

TASK [database beercatalog set up] *********************************************
changed: []

RUNNING HANDLER [Restart Apache2] **********************************************
changed: []

RUNNING HANDLER [Initialize Catalog Database] **********************************
changed: []

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************  : ok=43   changed=29   unreachable=0    failed=0

Extra Security Measures

As you can see in the last playbook and its output, I've deployed some extra tools on the VM:

  • fail2ban: to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
  • unattended-upgrades: for automatic installation of security updates
  • logwatch: as a log analyser with nice output

I'm receiving a daily mail from logwatch, of which I've included an example in this repository as logwatch.txt.

Enable app in Google Developer dashboard

To let users correctly log in, I've added the address of the Virtual Machine ( as an authorized URI.


The references I've used for this project are mainly Ansible's pages about their modules. The whole list can be found in the references.txt file.