Hyperledger Fabric Shim for node.js chaincodes

This is the project for the fabric chaincode shim for the Burrow EVM.

Please see the draft and evolving design document in FAB-6590.

Running the Proxy:

Clone this repo to $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-chaincode-evm and make sure you have checked out the Tutorial branch.

In the root directory of this repo (fabric-chaincode-evm) run:

ETHSERVER_CONFIG=<path to cluster sdk config> go run main.go

NOTE You need a GO Version that is less 1.9.4.

Optional Environment Variables:

PORT              -- Proxy will run on the port specified on the environment variable. Default is 5000.
ETHSERVER_USER    -- Proxy will use the user id specfied on the environment variable. The user id corresponds to the name of the directories under the crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Default is USER1.
ETHSERVER_CHANNEL -- Proxy will use the channel specified on the environment variable. Default is channel1

Instructions to Run the Sample Voting App:

NOTE You need the node.js library web3 version 0.20.2 installed.

Set Environment Vairables

Use environment variables to choose what fabproxy to for the app to contact.

ETHSERVER_USER=User1 # App will use http://localhost:5000 as its provider
ETHSERVER_USER=User2 # App will use http://localhost:5001 as its provider

Using the App

node voter/app.js <command> <args>
  Available Commands:
    deploy                                            # Deploys the Voting Contract
    giveRightToVote <contract-address> <user-address> # Allow <user-address> to vote
    vote <contract-address> <proposal-number>         # Vote for <proposal-number>

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License