
SSH Keys in github (for those of you without yubikeys)

  • Authenticates your access to private repos
  • Is a key unique to you
  • Yubikeys will replace this once we get you setup
ssh-add -L # If this has a value use this in github
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_goodeggs_rsa
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_goodeggs_rsa
ssh-add -L # Put this key in github
ssh -T  

if you need to check the github host keys (to accept) see LINK

  • Add your key to github after you've signed in
  • Side note, I need everyone's github username to add as a collaborator

Clone a repo

  • This Repo
  • This gives you a LOCAL copy to your workstation
  • Creates a new REMOTE with a special name of origin (all you need for our use case)
  • We are NOT creating a FORK, everyone has permissions on the main repo

Daily Tasks

Do some work

  • If your work comes from pivotal, lookup your ticket #
  • BRANCH git checkout -b your-branch-name
  • git branch shows you the branch you're on
  • ADD STAGES your changes to the index
    • git add <filename>
  • git status shows you what files changed and what's on the index
  • COMMIT them to your branch
    • git commit logs your changes with a comment
  • git diff shows you what's different (origin/master, HEAD^, HEAD^^)
  • .gitignore files that don't need to be tracked

Undoing a mistake

  • git reset <filename>
    • discard commits on a private branch (local) or throw away uncommited changes
    • with a filename unstages a file
  • git checkout <filename> undoes changes to latest commited version or point in history

Share your work (Pull Request)

  • PUSH to github (Publishes your changes so others can see)
  • open a PULL REQUEST
  • Have a teammate do a code review
  • Make sure CI completes
  • Merge your PR after success!


  • git branch -D <branchname> deletes a local branch
  • git remote prune origin cleans up your local tracking against origin -- after the remote branch was deleted following a pull request
  • git push origin --delete <remote-branch> Deletes a remote branch without merge Bail Out!

Pulling other's changes

  • git remote show origin shows you what's going on with the origin
  • git fetch Updates your clone get changes from origin
  • git pull shortcut to pull in the latest version of a tracked branch (on your current branch)
  • git checkout -b <remotebranch> origin/<remotebranch> Pulls in a branch somebody else shared

Sometimes it's not so smooth

Your branch is out of date (PR can't merge)

  • git rebase master
  • git merge
  • Resolving conflicts

See what happened

  • git log
  • git blame <filename>
  • git diff

Advanced topics

Undoing a mistake you've shared

  • git revert -- replays history in reverse

Multiple lines of work at the same time

  • git branch
  • git stash
  • git checkout

Tagging points in time

  • git tag

Steal single changes from other branches

  • git cherry-pick <sha of change>

Handy History rewriting

  • git rebase -i <your historical commit>
  • git push -f force push (overwrite) to remote branch
  • git commit --amend don't create a new commit, just tack on to the previous
  • git commit --allow-empty -m '<commit message>' do an empty commit to trigger CI