
A simple Perl library for accessing SPARQL endpoints.

Primary LanguagePerl


   This module is an implementation of the SPARQL protocol and result format
   with minimal dependencies. Specifically it should be possible to run this
   module using only packages provided by your distribution, making it suitable
   for corporate environments.

   The dependencies are:

   This module will also use Keepalive HTTP Connections where possible.


   use sparql;

   my $sparql = sparql->new();

   my $res = $sparql->query('http://dbpedia.org/sparql',
                            'SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10');

   for my $row (@{$res}) {
   	for my $col (keys %{$row}) {
   		print('?'.$col.' = '.$row->{$col}."\n");



     Returns a SPARQL client object.

     query(endpoint, query string)

     Takes and endpoint URI, and a query, and returns a reference to an array of
     hashes, for SELECT, and a string for CONSTRUCT etc. Each element in the
     array (a hash) is a solution, the keys of the hash are the variable name
     (without the ? or $), and the value is a Turtle literal representing the result

   update(endpoint, update string)

     Takes an endpoint URI, and a query, and returns a string of the returned message.

   put(endpoint, graph uri, mime type, RDF text)

     Takes an endpoint URI, and graph to write to, a MIME type and some RDF
     data, and writes the data into the graph at the endpoint.

     Example: $sparql->put('http://host.example/data', 'http://mygraph.example/data.rdf',
                           'text/turtle', "<s> <p> <o> .\n");

     Returns whatever text the endpoint returns as a result.

   chomp(turtle literal)

     Removes any Turtle-style gubbins from around a returned value, e.g. '"foo"' -> 'foo',
     '<http://example.com/>' -> 'http://example.com/'.


     Formats query a result object and prints it to STDOUT.


    The sparql.pm module itsself is licenced under the Lesser GPL, version 3+,
    and the example code is 2-clause BSD.