
SQLite3 persistence layer for gun!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SQLite3 persistence layer for gun! GUN is an Open Source Firebase with swappable storage engines (level, SQLite, etc.) that handles data synchronization across machines / devices.

Or in other words: If you use gun as your API to SQLite3, you'll get multi-machine SQLite3 clusters for free!

Get it by

npm install sqlite.gun

Use by

var Gun = require('gun');

var gun = Gun({
  file: false // turn off pesky file.js data.json default 

Check the gun docs on how to read/write data, it will then handle sync automatically for you (even to the browser!). Tip: It is a graph database, so you can do key/value, document, relational, or graph based data - here is a crash course on how to use it.


Or: Complain about bugs. :)