
JSONLogIterator uses generators improperly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

There's a convenient JSON logging format built into swift console, however the libsbp python code to decode those logs has a subtle bug, which is already sortof notated in the code.

The key here is a slight misuse of the Python iterator model. If the class wants to act as an iterator itself, it could try to continue following the current behavior of returning self in __iter__ and properly re-implement the __next__ method; however I believe simply changing the __next__ method of JSONLogIterator to be called __iter__ would cause the returned generator to fill in as an iterator, which should work fine in most cases.

Old issue, but I think we've resolved this with the introduction of the conventional parameter for the log iterator. To get standard Python iterator behavior construct the JSONLogIterator with conventional=True. E.g. JSONLogIterator(file_handle, conventional=True)

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