- 0
Doubts about collision detection
#48 opened by Steve245270533 - 2
0.41 Planning
#47 opened by swift502 - 4
- 1
convert react project?
#44 opened by ahmetozalp - 2
Compatibility with latest version of THREE.js
#35 opened by ManuBernard - 2
You can enter AI cars, while they're driving
#34 opened by tussiez - 0
Confirm NPM package works as intended
#43 opened by swift502 - 4
Port demos to TypeScript
#42 opened by StanislavChankov - 2
how about making a react-three version?
#40 opened by amir-al-razin - 3
Multiple cameras and points of view.
#37 opened by eachtime - 2
Link to blender source files seems glitchy
#36 opened by Houski - 9
- 3
Add offline support, race vehicles, day/night cycling, flip over button (because sometimes AI fails), explosions and lights for vehicles.
#33 opened by Nyuutrino - 0
- 2
ECS structuring
#30 opened by fabiodr - 1
Terrain slope + camera collision?
#6 opened by Thundros - 23
#18 opened by q98 - 18
Extreme FPS slowdown?
#7 opened by Thundros - 2
- 3
Blender glb model issue
#22 opened by vujadin - 2
Character physics stuck in box
#21 opened by raoneel - 2
Model animations
#19 opened by damiansk - 1
texImage2D/PoT errors
#17 opened by StrandedKitty - 4
awesome job!
#2 opened by radziksh - 2
How to first-person?
#5 opened - 3
Support for Babylon.js?
#14 opened by raoneel - 2
webpack dev server
#3 opened by radziksh - 2
Odd bug after fork and clone
#4 opened by Scottss