
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


MLBox is a project that reduces friction for machine learning by ensuring that models are easily portable and reproducible, e.g., between different stacks such as different clouds, between cloud and on-prem, etc.

This is the MLBox Prototype. This is still under construction, some parts probably don't work yet, or may have unexpected/inconsistent behaviours.

Get MLBox


You can get the MLBox project as a zip file for direct download from https://github.com/mlperf/mlbox/archive/master.zip

Expand this locally on the filesystem in your location of choice.


Install from PyPI:

pip install mlcommons-box

To uninstall:

pip uninstall mlcommons_box

Usage Examples

Check out the examples directory for detailed examples.


MLBox is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

See LICENSE for more information.


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