- 3
Crash on "func delayForImageAtIndex(_ index: Int, source: CGImageSource!) -> Double"
#87 opened by ThePredators - 0
Support of SwiftPM
#98 opened by TofPlay - 0
memeory use 500MB
#97 opened by simpleLiYu - 4
- 0
#96 opened by luopan1990911 - 0
added gif into NSTextAttachment, but not animated
#95 opened by fukemy - 1
Image loaded but not animating
#52 opened by sine27 - 1
- 0
How to check gif load completely
#94 opened by Mahesh160393 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Memory leak inside setGIFFromURL
#88 opened by pirifan - 2
when i use loadGif error occur
#78 opened by nadia-am - 0
only support iOS 10+ by carthage
#84 opened by guzhenhuaGitHub - 5
How to pause temporarily the gif?
#41 opened by peihsendoyle - 0
After clear gif cannot set image on it
#83 opened by NITINKACHHADIYA - 0
- 0
Swift 5.0 support
#81 opened by pablogeek - 1
Image not cache
#80 opened by lethianqt94 - 2
- 4
Carthage problem
#48 opened by VTCoco - 4
Gif plays slower than original (30 fps)
#65 opened by MARS1 - 0
- 3
Animation Speed
#74 opened by ioronamakingsense - 6
- 7
How to stop animating?
#47 opened by zhanswift - 5
Can a gif be loaded from an asset catalog?
#66 opened by neilyoung - 1
Animation stops when image is resized.
#73 opened by darthbatman - 0
gif with storyboard
#72 opened by mgefimov - 3
Stop animating when the image is resized.
#31 opened by lorenzoferrante - 0
Restart gif from beginning
#70 opened by 128keaton - 8
XCode 8 .gif from .xcassets cannot be loaded
#40 opened by netgfx - 1
- 2
Laggy TableView scroll.
#44 opened by lorenzoferrante - 7
This image named "nav" dows not exist
#62 opened by MKTherkildsen - 0
Gif position transfer to another ViewController
#58 opened by idemche - 1
not able to stop gif on last image.
#63 opened by capps1994 - 0
just support 9.0~?
#60 opened by Likecold - 1
- 2
Xcode 8.3 Invalid Redeclaration of Gif
#56 opened by toddgower-hiatus - 0
add support for tvOS in the pod spec
#53 opened by GINNOV - 1
Suggestion, Pause Gif
#46 opened by Jerland2 - 9
How to install by pod for swift3 ??
#39 opened by HirotoIchinose - 3
Does not work within extensions
#36 opened by geppelt - 3
Errors on Xcode 8 GM
#38 opened by chaitanya-ramji - 1
follow up on #41
#42 opened by AlexInTheMountains - 1
1.6 isn't listed in the CocoaPods specs
#43 opened by Danm72 - 3
Update to swift3?
#35 opened by petaire92 - 0