The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This fork is used to manage Swift’s stable releases of Clang as well as support the Swift project.
- 00mjk
- 1samhicksSan Francisco | Chicago | Champaign
- arn-ob@tenminschool
- CelebritySoulja
- Duvielglez
- e3m3Intel Corporation
- eemailme
- godwin88gee
- gui-dosItaly
- honoodBeijing, China
- HudsonShiUniversity of Alabama
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- jhcloos
- jiangxianboyasia
- kkeboTokyo, Japan
- KongJustin
- kyagg7AST
- lgq2015
- LiWentomngZhejiang University
- Magnus6803MJ Kontorsservice
- mandoowang
- MarSe32m
- nickfnblum@NICK-FN-BLUM
- obogz
- quntion
- rdhafidhIndonesia
- redhed6
- renwoxingBeijing, China
- sf314
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- userpro1988
- vancaemNetherlands
- VolumetricDenny
- Whiskey911
- Zhangyanshen美图