
A jquery plugin that helps stick elements consecutively

Primary LanguageHTML

💚 Stick Stack

This is a slightly modified version of a jQuery plugin originally implemented by @ilterocal.

What does this plugin do?

It helps you stick a stack of elements (table headers, bootstrap panel headings, etc.) consecutively. In only 75 lines. As soon as the next sticky element arrives, the previous sticky element is released. Here is a demo:


How to use?

Just include src/stick-stack.js in your code and specify which elements you want to stick-stack like so:


Insert appropriate selector as the parameter.


Instead of a selector, you can also pass an options object. Every possible option is listed below. The el key is compulsory in this mode, which should be the selector for stickable elements.

	top: 0,
	margin: 0,
	zIndex: 10,
	el: '.selector',
	containerSelector: null

If containerSelector is null, measurements will be done based on stackable div's immediate parent. If you pass in a selector, stick stack will find the closest match and use its height in calculating whether or not to hide the current sticky div.