
Documentation website is broken

kateinoigakukun opened this issue · 6 comments

j-f1 commented

Looks like it got wiped out by the most recent deploy: 0e60acf#diff-889b5374b13d0504888431f3656f6bdc

Sorry about that, I'll be able to have a look at it later today or tomorrow, unless someone discovers a fix earlier than me by that point.

Reported as SwiftDocOrg/swift-doc#198, still investigating...

Mattt tagged a new release, and I've redeployed the docs with it. All looks fine now.

mattt commented

@MaxDesiatov My sincere apologies for breaking your documentation workflow. I'm working to make sure that never happens again. Thanks for your contributions to and early adoption of swift-doc.

No problem at all @mattt, I appreciate your hard work, and I hope I can contribute more to swift-doc myself to help you going forward!