
Infrastructure as code for Swifty.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Swifty setup with Ansible

Create VMs

You need at least two virtual machines (or physical) with 4vCPU, 8GB of RAM and 50GB of storage. Please use Ubuntu 18.04.

Clone swifty-infrastructure project

git clone https://github.com/swiftycloud/swifty-infrastructure

Change hosts file

Copy swifty-ansible/hosts.example file to hosts and change it according to your settings. Production setup assumes you have 7 virtual or physical servers with different roles. Test setup can use just 2 servers. Here is the example for 2 servers test setup:

[gw] vpn_ip= tinc_hostname=swftgw public_dns=swf01.domain.com private_ip= public_ip=

[mw] vpn_ip= tinc_hostname=swftmw public_dns=swf02.domain.com private_ip= public_ip=

[ui] vpn_ip= tinc_hostname=swftgw public_dns=swf01.domain.com private_ip= public_ip=


[worker] vpn_ip= tinc_hostname=swftmw private_ip= public_ip=


Change environment variables file

Copy swifty-ansible/group_vars/all.example.yml file to all.yml and change it according to your settings.

  1. Add passwords and tokens.
  2. Add domain names.
  3. Skip #connector section.
  4. Don't change settings for gitlab repos - we store docker images on gitlab.

Please be awar, your domain section should look like:

default_dashboard_domain_name: swf01.swifty.cloud
default_api_domain_name: swf01.swifty.cloud
default_s3_domain_name: swf02.swifty.cloud

Run ansible script

ansible-playbook swifty.yml

Repo for docs and IAC

Image builder


ansible-playbook -i gitlab-runner.ci.swifty.cloud, swifty-build/tasks/main.yml --extra-vars='{"basedir": "/home/fedora/swifty"}'

full version

Роль swft-gw:

1. mariadb
2. openstack keystone
3. mongod
4. docker
5. k8s static pods (master)
6. rabbitmq
7. swyadmd
8. swygate
9. nfs-server
10. tinc

Роль swft-mw:

1. docker
2. mongod
3. mariadb
4. swys3
5. tinc

Роль swft-slave:

1. k8s worker
2. docker
3. tinc

Роль swft-ui:

1. docker
2. tinc


mailto: vp@swifty.cloud

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