
Send an Icinga Alert to Slack.com via Webhook

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A script to send notifications to Slack.com from Nagios or Icinga via the generic webhook integration


The homepage is on Github


$ pip install icinga-slack-webhook


usage: icinga_slack_webhook_notify [-h] -c CHANNEL -m MESSAGE [-u WEB_HOOK_URL | -p]
                                   [-A SERVICE_ACTION_URL] [-H HOST] [-d HOST_DISPLAY_NAME]
                                   [--host-state HOST_STATE]
                                   [-L {OK,WARNING,CRITICAL,UNKNOWN}] [-N SERVICE_NOTES_URL]
                                   [-S STATUS_CGI_URL] [-E EXTINFO_CGI_URL] [-U USERNAME]

Send an Icinga Alert to Slack.com via a generic webhook integration

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
                        The channel to send the message to
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
                        The text of the message to send
  -u WEB_HOOK_URL, --web-hook-url WEB_HOOK_URL
                        The webhook URL for your integration
  -p, --print-payload   Rather than sending the payload to Slack, print it to STDOUT
                        An optional action_url for this alert {default: None}
  -H HOST, --host HOST  An optional host the message relates to
  -d HOST_DISPLAY_NAME, --host-display-name HOST_DISPLAY_NAME
                        An optional display name for the host the message relates to
  --host-state HOST_STATE
                        An optional state the host is in, use this for host alerts
                        An optional alert level {default: UNKNOWN}
                        An optional notes_url for this alert {default: None}
  -S STATUS_CGI_URL, --status-cgi-url STATUS_CGI_URL
                        The URL of status.cgi for your Nagios/Icinga instance {default:
  -E EXTINFO_CGI_URL, --extinfo-cgi-url EXTINFO_CGI_URL
                        The URL of extinfo.cgi for your Nagios/Icinga instance
  -U USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username to send the message from {default: Icinga}
  -V, --version         Print version information