
Markdown driven presentation tool written in Go!

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


revealgo is a small web application for giving Markdown-driven presentations implemented in Go! The revealgo command starts a local web server to serve the your markdown presentation file with reveal.js. The presentation can be viewed in a web browser. The reveal.js library offers comprehensive presenting features such as slide transitions, speaker notes and more.


To install, use go get:

$ go get github.com/yusukebe/revealgo/cmd/revealgo


The usage:

$ revealgo [options] MARKDOWN.md

Then access the local web server such as http://localhost:3000 with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Available options:

-p, --port            tcp port number of this server. default is 3000.
--theme               slide theme or original css file name. default themes:
                      beige, black, blood, league, moon, night, serif, simple, sky, solarized, and white
--transition          transition effect for slides: default, cube, page, concave, zoom, linear, fade, none


Run revealgo command:

Command Line

Open the server address with your web browser:


Sample Makrdown

## This is an H2 Title


The horizontal slide separator characters are '---'


# This is second title

The vertical slide separator characters are '___'


## This is a third title


## This is a forth title
<!-- .slide: data-background="#f70000" data-transition="page" -->

You can add slide attributes like above.

Customize Theme

While revealgo is running, open another terminal and get the theme file black.css:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/revealjs/css/theme/black.css > original.css

Edit original.css, And then run revealgo with --theme option:

$ revealgo --theme original.css slide.md

Customize Slide Configurations

Get the default slide HTML file:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/ > slide.html

Edit slide.html, and then open http://localhost:3000/slide.html with your browser. A slide with the modified configurations will come up.

See Also


Yusuke Wada http://github.com/yusukebe