Hapi Struct is a boilerplate for Hapi framework. This boilerplate has been created to help you to create a new project with Hapi.
- NodeJS - >= 5.3.0 - To run your app
- MongoDB - >= 3.2.0 - NoSQL Database
- Gulp - >= 3.9.0 - JavaScript task runner
├── index.js * Entry point of the application
├── gulpfile.js * Gulp configuration
├── .jscsrc * Jscs configuration
├── package.json
├── config/
| └── auth.js * Authentication configuration
| └── database.js * Database configuration
| └── parameters.json * Application parameters
| └── routes.js * Routes configuration
| └── server.js * Server configuration
├── lib/
| ├── mail/
| | └── service/
| | └── mailService.js * Mail service
| └── user/
| ├── controller
| | └── authController.js * Authentication controller
| ├── entity
| | └── user.js * User entity
| ├── view
| | ├── registerMail.ejs * Email sent when a user registration
| | └── resendVerificationMail.ejs * Email sent to resend mail verification
| └── routes.js * Management of the user's route
└── test/
└── authControllerSpec.js * authController tests
- bcrypt - ^0.8.5 - Bcrypt library for NodeJS
- boom - ^3.1.1 - Http-friendly error objects
- ejs - ^2.3.4 - Embedded JavaScript templates
- gulp - ^3.9.0 - The streaming build system
- gulp-jscs - ^3.0.2 - Check JavaScript code style with jscs
- gulp-nodemon - ^2.0.6 - Gulp implementation for nodemon
- hapi - ^12.0.0 - HTTP Server framework
- hapi-auth-jwt2 - ^5.3.1 - Hapi Authentication Plugin/Scheme using JWT
- joi - ^7.1.0 - Object schema validation
- jsonwebtoken - ^5.5.4 - JSON Web Token implementation
- moment - ^2.11.0 - Parse, validate, manipulate and display dates
- mongoose - ^4.3.4 - MongoDB ODM
- mongoose-auto-increment - ^5.0.1 - auto-increment any field on any mongoose schema that you wish
- nodemailer - ^1.11.0 - Easy as cake e-mail sending from your Node.js applications
Firstly, you need to configure the application
// config/parameters.json
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": 3000
"database": {
"host": "",
"port": 27017,
"db": "YourDataBaseName",
"username": "YourDataBaseUserName",
"password": "YourDatabasePassword"
"key": {
"privateKey": "YourPrivateKey",
"tokenExpiration": 3600000,
"tokenExpirationDescription": "1 hour"
"mail": {
"email": "senderMail@website.com",
"userName": "YourMailAccount",
"password": "YourMailPassword"
npm install
npm start
npm test