- 0
Graph crashes when no links or nodes are provided
#559 opened by JohannesWt - 1
- 1
How can I set custom positions for nodes?
#553 opened by Sergey-Chernyshev - 1
Support for Elk compund nodes not available
#515 opened by bsarkadi - 0
Still there?
#536 opened by Kr0san89 - 10
Angular 17 support
#533 opened by argalasjr - 1
Security issue with d3-color
#542 opened by nxmarcopyre - 3
Panning and Zooming does not work with 8.3.0 und 8.4.0
#551 opened by bonnm - 0
- 3
Dead Repo? Replacement?
#548 opened by labeled - 2
- 1
- 17
8.0.3 breaks line rendering with d3-transition
#487 opened by rookuu - 1
Custom Layouts - Edges Removed
#547 opened by Wu-Li - 1
ngx-graph TypeError and ReferenceError on runtime
#546 opened by leobouts - 1
- 0
NullInjectorError: No provider for LayoutService!
#537 opened by arzolath - 3
- 0
Min and max node dimensions semantics are swapped
#534 opened by madopew - 0
Accessibility Issue: Duplicate ID for svg:path and svg:g Elements in ngx-graph
#527 opened by valaram - 0
Cola Force Directed
#525 opened by rkbk1997 - 0
Cola Force Directed
#524 opened by rkbk1997 - 0
- 4
ERROR TypeError: vt(...).select(...).attr(...).transition is not a function
#522 opened by Nikhildubey282 - 5
- 1
Get coordinate in the graph on click
#521 opened by MaxTotal - 2
Export a graph to png or base64
#504 opened by bastientardits - 2
- 0
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
#517 opened by maxwellfargoseCactus - 1
d3-color vulnerable to ReDoS not resolved
#495 opened by Preethamnavex - 20
Angular 15 not supported
#481 opened by tzachs - 0
- 2
- 1
Depends on vulnerable versions of d3-scale
#496 opened by heeenkie - 0
Can we make ngx-graph Responsive?
#498 opened by gouthammanigonda - 11
d3-color vulnerable to ReDoS
#469 opened by krusche - 1
Issue with arrow sub grouping for a single Node
#438 opened by vanya986 - 0
Angular 11 support on V^8.0.3
#489 opened by ElChouaib - 0
- 3
Problem using ngx-graph as a lazy loaded module
#473 opened by cfrezier - 1
Set node starting position
#446 opened by lukasportal - 8
Not working with angular 13
#432 opened by RolfVeinoeSorensen - 4
Angular 14 Not supported
#459 opened by JohnGalt1717 - 0
Initial render is not displaying correctly the path stroke using gradient def
#467 opened by parayacr - 0
single arrow overlap issue
#466 opened by kenancakanel - 0
ERROR: single arrow overlap issue
#465 opened by dizdaroglu - 0
- 0
- 0
Npm install: your package failed
#458 opened by cheikhnadiouf - 2
Issue when Using [autoCenter]="true"
#433 opened by maxwellfargoseCactus