Cybersixgill Actionable Alerts

By integrating Cybersixgill actionable alerts, Swimlane customers gain a premium, automated threat intelligence solution based on the most comprehensive data sources from the deep, dark and surface web. It is customizable, enabling users to define key assets relevant to their brand, industry, and geolocation via Cybersixgill's Investigative Portal. Users can covertly monitor critical assets such as IP addresses, domains, vulnerabilities, and VIPs for activity on the underground and closed sources - and prioritize, as well as respond to threats directly from the Swimlane dashboard.


Integration of Cybersixgill actionable alerts to Swimlane begins with generating your API client ID and secret via the Cybersixgill's onboarding portal. If you haven't received your Cybersixgill credentials to access the onboarding Portal, please contact In addition to the API client generation, you should have set organization assets in the Cybersixgill Investigative Portal.


This plugin allows you to retrieve:

  • Actionable alerts



Asset Setup

The asset for this plugin requires the following inputs:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • verify SSL
  • Proxy
  • Organization Id

Tasks Setup

The task for this plugin doesn't requires inputs.


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