Protocol Buffer Compiler Plugin To JavaScript
This is essentially a copy of but I added a super simple Makefile to make building the JavaScript plugin easier.
The original depended on the Chromium source and the gyp build system; this does not. I also removed the cxx stuff because I only cared about generating proto2/closure compliant JavaScript code.
To build, first download the protocol buffer compiler and build it. The Makefile assumes the protobuf folder has the same ancestor as this directory.
FYI, I tested this using a Mac running OSX 10.7.3. As a result, you will probably need to change the location of the libraries to get the build to work.
Once you've compiled the js plugin, you can run it using protoc --js_out=./ --proto_path= --plugin=protoc-gen-js
which will generate the .pb.js which should compile with the closure compiler.