
Composer package for dockerizing Magento 2

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dockerize Magento 2

A composer package for dockerizing Magento 2

The composer package arvatoscm/dockerize-magento2 deploys docker infrastructure defintion files such as docker-compose.yml to your Magento 2 root folder and enables you to host your Magento 2 shops without having to install Apache/Nginx, MySQL or PHP on your system.

Package Name


Software Requirements

For Linux users you must have a recent version of docker and docker-compose installed.

If you are a Mac or Windows user, use the Docker Toolbox.


Automated Setup (New Project)

Run this automated one-liner from the directory you want to install your project to:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swissup/dockerize-magento2/develop/bin/onelinesetup | bash -s -- magento246.local 2.4.6
Fast sampledata modules install
cd magento246.local && curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swissup/dockerize-magento2/develop/bin/setupsampledata | bash -s 
Fast swissup modules install
cd magento246.local && curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/0m3r/954fc98bda36f90e4580e7eee641cc05/raw/b327e5644af562a403b26ff8bf44504192e20e65/install.bash | bash -s
Short variant (for developer only)
curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/0m3r/954fc98bda36f90e4580e7eee641cc05/raw/ccafd49f4fe0b0879357fda6d1ba39090be2436b/install.bash | bash -s
Update all uncommitted changes in all modules
cd vendor/swissup && for module in *; do cd $module && ([ -d ".git" ] && git checkout master && git pull) && cd ../; done;

Manual Setup

Install Magento using Composer

composer create-project --ignore-platform-reqs --repository=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition magento246.local


composer create-project --ignore-platform-reqs --repository=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition=2.4.6 magento246.local

Add swissup/dockerize-magento2 to your existing Magento 2 shop:

cd magento2.local

composer config repositories.swissup composer https://docs.swissuplabs.com/packages/

composer require swissup/dockerize-magento2 --ignore-platform-reqs

composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require swissup/dockerize-magento2:dev-master --prefer-source --ignore-platform-reqs
composer config minimum-stability stable

chmod +x bin/console
chmod +x vendor/bin/dockerizer

vendor/bin/dockerizer install magento235.local


dockerize-magento2 comes with vendor/bin/dockerizer script that can be used to install Magento and to execute Magentos' bin/magento script inside the PHP docker container:

Trigger the Magento 2 installation process:

vendor/bin/dockerizer install <hostname>
vendor/bin/dockerizer install magento2.local

Start the docker containers:

vendor/bin/dockerizer start

Stop the docker containers:

vendor/bin/dockerizer stop

Execute Magento CLI bin/magento inside the docker container:

vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento [arguments]
vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento setup:di:compile
vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento cache:flush

Run command inside the docker container:

vendor/bin/dockerizer bash [command]

Enter inside the docker container:

vendor/bin/dockerizer enter [php|web|phpmyadmin]

Show the server logs and all of its components:

vendor/bin/dockerizer log

For more information on how to use docker-compose visit: https://docs.docker.com/compose/


The install action depends on some parameters such as usernames and passwords. We have put in some default values for you that will work for a quick test:





If you want to use different parameters change the values in the .env file to your needs. After customizing the parameters just run trigger the installation with vendor/bin/dockerizer install <hostname>.


Solving Docker permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

Solving web server port conflict

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop

Add line to /etc/hosts magento.local

Install sampledata

composer config http-basic.repo.magento.com [Public Key] [Private Key]
sudo chown www-data auth.json

vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento sampledata:deploy --no-update
composer update --ignore-platform-reqs
vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento setup:upgrade 

PHP 7.1-7.4 Support (out of box)

docker build ./vendor/swissup/dockerize-magento2/config/php/7.x/ -t swissup/magento2-php:7.x

In [magento root]/docker-compose.yml replace if you need php 7.x

    -image: arvato/magento2-php:latest
    +image: swissup/magento2-php:7.x

This will place some files in your Magento root:

  • docker-compose.yml The docker infrastructure definition
  • vendor/bin/dockerizer A utility script for controlling dockerized Magento projects
  • config A folder which contains the configuration files for PHP, Nginx and phpMyAdmin

Add to composer.json

"config": {
    "secure-http": false
  vendor/bin/dockerizer install <hostname>
  vendor/bin/dockerizer bash curl --silent --show-error https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  vendor/bin/dockerizer bash php composer.phar update
  vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento sampledata:deploy
  vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento setup:upgrade
  vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento setup:di:compile

  docker exec -u 0 -ti "dockerizemagento2_php_1" bash
  #bin/magento --version

Elasticsearch Support

Added support for Elasticsearch 5.x. Go to Admin > Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search, and select "Elasticsarch 5.0+" from the list of options. Keep all defaults the same, but set Elasticsearch Server Hostname to "elasticsearch". Auth set Yes. Default username 'elastic' and pass 'changeme'. Save, clear the cache, and run bin/magento indexer:reindex to enable.


vendor/bin/dockerizer enter php
#curl -u elastic  http://elasticsearch:9200/_cat/health
Enter host password for user 'elastic': [changeme]
1554965499 06:51:39 elasticsearch green 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 100.0%
vendor/bin/dockerizer bin/magento indexer:reindex
Elasticsearch 7

Added support for Elasticsearch 7.

Increase system value

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 

and replace/add in docker-compose.yml

    image: elasticsearch:7.6.2
      - discovery.type=single-node


vendor/bin/dockerizer start

and log for debugging

vendor/bin/dockerizer log

Go to Admin > Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog Search, and select "Elasticsarch 7" from the list of options. Keep all defaults the same, but set Elasticsearch Server Hostname to "elasticsearch".


dockerize-magento2 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.