
Configure Magento 2 to send email using SMTP protocol throught Gmail, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) and many other SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) servers


Magento2 module for smtp email integration and email logging

It's a metapackage for the original repository.


Following email services are supported:

  • Amazon SES
  • Gmail
  • Mandrill
  • Sendmail
  • Manual SMTP settings


Run the following commands:

cd <magento_root>
composer require swissup/module-email
bin/magento module:enable Swissup_Email
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile

Configuration and Usage

  1. Navigate to "Marketing → Communications → Email Services" example1
  2. Press "Add New" button
  3. Create service
    • Specify the Name
    • Choose Type from drop-down
    • Fill all required fields
    • Press "Check Service" button and wait for response
    • If everything works fine, press "Save" button example
  4. Navigate "Stores → Configurations → Advanced → System → Mail Sending Settings"
  5. Select new service in the "Default Transport Email Service" drop-down config
  6. Save


  1. Navigate "Stores → Configurations → Advanced → System → Mail Sending Settings"
  2. "Logging Enable" set Yes
  3. Navigate to "Marketing → Communications → Email Logs"