EVM Functions Template

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Switchboard Functions

Switchboard Functions provide a powerful solution for blockchain developers seeking to seamlessly integrate secure and verifiable off-chain logic execution with on-chain transactions within Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based blockchains. This tool empowers developers to execute complex computations, resolve user orders with up-to-date oracle prices, process customized metadata, and trigger custom function runs, all while maintaining the security and immutability of the blockchain.

Key Features

  • Secure Off-Chain Logic Execution: Switchboard Functions enable developers to perform intricate computations and data manipulation off-chain while preserving the security and permissionlessness of the user's code.

  • Verifiable Runs: Transactions executed by Switchboard Functions are transparent and verifiable with data posted on the blockchain.

  • Customization: Developers have the flexibility to customize Switchboard Functions to suit their specific use cases. Functions can be tailored to run on-demand, on a cron schedule, or both, allowing for precise control over execution timing.

  • Multiple Integration Approaches: Switchboard Functions support multiple programming languages and approaches for function creation, including Typescript, Javascript, and Rust. This accommodates a wide range of developer preferences and skill levels.


You can find the latest deployments of the Switchboard Contract, Queues (subnets that functions live on), and Switchboard Push Function addresses in the core-sdk repo network configs.

Creating Switchboard Functions

1. Typescript

Developers familiar with Typescript can harness the full potential of Switchboard Functions by creating highly customizable and intricate logic executions. This method allows for the handling of individual end-user triggered orders, interaction with on-chain functions, and complex computations. Although it offers greater control, it requires manual handling of function calls and ABI definition.


2. Typescript/Javascript Simplified

For developers seeking a more streamlined process, the Typescript/Javascript Simplified Approach offers an accessible solution. Create straightforward functions that utilize user-friendly configuration inputs and produce desired outputs. Utility functions facilitate HTTP requests and output creation, leading to efficient integration with receiver contracts. This approach is also compatible with alternative oracles.


3. Rust

Developers with proficiency in Rust can leverage its lightweight yet robust capabilities to create fully customizable Switchboard Functions. The Rust Approach offers similar features to the Typescript version but with reduced overhead, allowing for longer function runtimes. Extend existing implementations, such as the price oracle, to enrich on-chain exchange data with additional details.



Install Pre-requisites

Clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/switchboard-xyz/evm-functions-template
cd evm-functions-template

# install dependencies for contract development
cd ts # or cd ts_js_simple or cd rust
pnpm install

# install dependencies for function development
cd switchboard-function
pnpm install

Configuring the Function

Once you've installed the dependencies, you can continue onto the README for the style of function you'd like to build: Typescript, Typescript/Javascript Simplified, or Rust.


  • How do I use the Switchboard Functions template?

    The Switchboard Functions template is a starting point for developers to create their own Switchboard Functions. It includes a sample function that can be used as a reference for creating new functions. The template also includes a sample contract that can be used as a reference for creating new contracts.

  • How do I create a new Switchboard Function?

    To create a new Switchboard Function, you can copy the sample function and modify it to suit your needs. You can also create a new function from scratch using the sample contract as a reference. We would love to hear about your experience creating new functions - if you would like personalized help, please reach out to us on Discord or X (formerly known as Twitter).

  • How do I use secrets with Switchboard Functions?

    Secrets aren't currently supported by Switchboard Functions. However, we are working on adding first-party support for secrets in the near future. You can embed a custom URL in your function to retrieve secrets from a secure location, such as a self-hosted server or a cloud service like AWS or Google Cloud.

  • How do I limit the number of addresses that can call my Switchboard Function?

    You can limit the number of addresses that can use your Switchboard Function by using the @switchboard-xyz/evm.js npm package. An easy way to do this is to modify one of the scripts in any of the example dirs.

    const tx = await switchboardProgram.sb.setFunctionConfig(
      "Switchboard Function Name",
      "switchboardlabs/basic-oracle-function", // image name
      "30 * * * * *", // run every 30 seconds
      "", // params surfaced to explorer (optional)
      ["0x9017e82c621461e5bd1efc884c03a86ab62dafac"] // <----- permitted addresses
  • What other settings can I use? You can add requirements to callers if you want to charge for use of your function and open it up to the public.

    These settings are entirely optional.

    const tx = await switchboardProgram.sb.setFunctionCallSettings(
        requireEstimatedRunCostFee: true, // require funding for any given call to be at least the estimated run cost
        minimumFee: 0, // disabled
        maxGasCost: 0, // disabled
        requireCallerPayFullCost: false, // don't allow resolution of runs that cost more than the caller has paid
        requireSenderBeReturnAddress: false, // don't require the caller to be the callback address