
Arduino IDE code for SolarMAX2 C/C++

Primary LanguageC++

SwitchDoc Labs SolarMAX2 Source code for the 433MHz Transmitter (Tx) in SolarMAX2

Designed for the Mini Pro Plus Arduino Board from SwitchDoc Labs
(select Mini Pro 16MHz/5V in Arduino IDE)

September 7, 2021


015 - Minor bug fixes and tuning

014 - Full Update for Mini Pro Plus Board - Software works for both SolarMAX2

This uses Protocol_ID of 8 and 10

Selects Protocol 8 if device has LiPo battery (SolarMAX2 LiPo)
Selects Protocol 10 if device has Lead Acid battery (SolarMAX2 Lead Acid)

This software requires you to install RH_RF95 as an Arduino Library. You can download it here (it is also included as Grove_RadioHead-master-3.zip). Install it the Arduino IDE Library


Copy these libraries into the Arduino IDE Library:

Jeelib.zip Time.zip

Then unzip these files in the libraries directory to install. Restart your Arduino IDE