
Integrated components builder, base on webpack + gulp.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

vfe is a components builder with specified directory structure, base on webpack and gulp.


See example.


npm install vfe --save

Using with gulp build tool, create a gulpfile.js file

var gulp = require('gulp')
var vfe = require('vfe')

gulp.task('default', function () {

	return vfe({
			entry: './index.js',
			libs: './lib/*.js'

Project folders specification:

 |   |
 |   |___/header
 |       |
 |       |____header.css
 |       |
 |       |____header.js
 |       |
 |       |____header.tpl
 |       |
 |       |___/images
 |           |____icon.png
  • c/

    Component modules directory, default is "/c". Using require("$componentName") to load module, such as load header module: require("header") will auto load header.css and header.js.

    Note: It can be replaced of custom_directory using modulesDirectories option. See

  • lib/

    Non-modularized js will concat with components' bundle file.

  • index.js

    Components entry js.

Command line

Install vfe command line tool:

npm install vfe-cli -g

Run default build task


Start develop watcher

vfe start
## aliase
vfe s

Note: Start command support run with another task name, such as vfe start sometask, only if task name is start-sometask.

Releasing for production

vfe release
## aliase
vfe r

Note: Release command support run with another task name, such as vfe release sometask, only if task name is release-sometask.


  • require("$name")

    "/$components_modules/$name/$name.js" 的简写,一级目录同名规则

  • require("$dir/$name")

    "/$components_modules/$dir/$name/$name.js" 的简写,二级目录同名规则

  • require("$dir/$sub/$name")

    "/$components_modules/$dir/$sub/$name/$name.js" 的简写,三级目录同名规则

  • require("/$components_modules/$name")

    "/$components_modules/$name/$name.js" 的简写,一级目录同名规则&绝对路径

  • require("/$components_modules/$dir/$name")

    "/$components_modules/$dir/$name/$name.js" 的简写,二级目录同名规则&绝对路径

  • require("/$components_modules/$dir/$sub/$name")

    "/$components_modules/$dir/$sub/$name/$name.js" 的简写,三级目录同名规则&绝对路径

  • require("./$name.tpl")


Custom modules directory

	entry: './index.js',
	libs: './lib/*.js',
	modulesDirectories: ['c', 'custom_modules']

If you don't want use "/c" as component modules directory, overwrite it:

	modulesDirectories: ['components'] // use "/components" as modules directory


  • vfe(options)

    options also is webpack's options. vfe only options:


    • name output filename without extension.

    • hash enable/disable using output, default true

    • minify enable/disable compress css/js, default true

    • rule enable/disable require rule transform, default true

    • vfePlugins

    • vfeLoaders configuration for build in loaders, include:

      • tpl default enable, set false to disable
      • css default enable, set false to disable
      • less default disable, pass true/object to enable
      • image default enable, set false to disable

    For example:

     		// ...
         	vfeLoaders: {
         		tpl: false, // disable html-loader for *.tpl
         		css: {
     				options: {
     					publicPath: '../'
     			less: {
     				test: /\.(ls|less)$/,
     				options: {
     					publicPath: '../'
     			image: {
     				loader: 'file-loader?name=images/[name]_[hash:6].[ext]'
         	// ...
  • vfe.bundle(src[, options])


    • name output filename without extension
    • hash enable/disable using output, default true
    • minify enable/disable compress css/js, default true
    • concats those files will be concat directly without minify

    Vfe default output name's hash-length

  • vfe.util

    • once( handler(next) ) run in once the the same time, run next after done, no queue

Expose modules

Using gulp module of vfe without require, such as:

Module name
if gulp-if
hash gulp-hash
filter gulp-filter
merge merge2
rename gulp-rename
clean gulp-rimraf
concat gulp-concat
uglify gulp-uglify
multipipe multipipe
webpack webpack
ExtractTextPlugin extract-text-webpack-plugin


  • Override vfe's loader config
	vfeLoaders: {
		tpl: {},   // html-loader, default match: *.tpl
		css: {},   // css-loader,  default match: *.css
		image: {}, // file-loader, default match: png|jpg|gif|jpeg|webp
  • WebPack Using as vfe(options) , options will be passed through to webpack function.
