Implementation of Colyseus client using Objective C.
This is still a work in progress, it seems to work, but more testing needs to be done Please report any bugs, and pull requests are very welcome
Because I stumbled upon Colyseus and, after fiddling with it in Unity for a while, I found that it was a library that provides one of the easiest ways to set up state synchronization and messaging, two important things for multiplayer games.
But I think normal apps should be able to use Colyseus too, and since I code mainly on iOS, and love Objective-C dearly. I decided why not try and implement a client in Objective-C?
This code is mainly based on Colyseus's Unity C# client implementation and partly on the Cocos2D C++ client (only the fossilize.h delta_apply function).
Copy the whole Colyseus-ObjC folder into your project, import headers as you need. Main ones would be ColyseusRoom.h, ColyseusClient.h, and ColyseusMessageEventArgs.h
Creates a client with a connection to the specified endpoint.
- endPoint : Usually, this is the url to your server
- ID : This parameter is useful for rejoining rooms after a disconnection. If this parameter is specified, the specified ID is used for subsequent connections.
Starts the client connection
Closes the client connection
-(ColyseusRoom *)join:(NSString *)roomName options:(nullable NSDictionary <NSString *, id>*)options;
Joins the room of the specified name using the provided options
data : The data to send.
ColyseusClient *client = [[ColyseusClient alloc] initWithEndpoint:@"ws://localhost:4000" ID:nil];
__block MyClientClass *weakself = self;
[client.onOpen addObject:^void(ColyseusClient *c, ColyseusEventArgs *e) {
NSLog(@"Connection open");
//Once the connection is open, join a room
ColyseusRoom *room = [client join:@"mine" options:@{@"name" : @"MyAwesomeName"}];
__block ColyseusRoom *weakroom = room;
[room.onJoin addObject:^void(ColyseusRoom *r, ColyseusMessageEventArgs *m) {
NSLog(@"Joined with SessionID: %@",[m message]);
[weakroom connect];
[weakroom send:@{@"type":@"nameset", @"name" : @"switt", @"ts" : @([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970])}];
[room.onMessage addObject:^void(ColyseusRoom *r, ColyseusMessageEventArgs *m) {
NSLog(@"Room: Message received %@",[m message]);
[room.onStateChange addObject:^void(ColyseusRoom *ro, ColyseusRoomUpdateEventArgs *r) {
NSLog(@"State Change; IsFirst %d, Data : %@", r.isFirstState, [r state]);
[room.onError addObject:^void(ColyseusRoom *r, ColyseusErrorEventArgs *e) {
NSLog(@"Error; %@",[e message]);
// Listen for changes at players.playerName.position.(x or y or z)
// Here, ":string" will capture playerName, and ":axis" will capture the axis.
// The @path property in ColyseusDataChange will store strings corresponding to our capture blocks
[room listen:@"players/:string/position/:axis" callback:^(NSArray *arguments) {
ColyseusDataChange *change = [arguments firstObject];
NSLog(@"Axis:%@ changed for player:%@, operation:%@, value:%@", change.path[@"axis"], change.path[@"string"], change.operation, change.value);
[room listen:@"players/:*" callback:^(NSArray *arguments) {
ColyseusDataChange *change = [arguments firstObject];
NSLog(@"Mutated players, operation:%@, player info is %@", change.operation, change.value);
[players setObject:change.value forKey:change.path[@"*"]];
[client connect];
- Proper header exports (I am still pretty ignorant about framework header exports in XCode after years)
- Test some more, cleanup more code