
This repo contains usable code convert cityscapes to coco format (Detectron and maskrcnn-benchmark were all broken)

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains all code which convert cityscapes to coco. The scripts actually provided inside Detectron and maskrcnn-benchmark were all down. To help others quickly setup their training pipeline on cityscapes for instance segmentation, this repo is really helpful.

The converted result cityscapes to coco visualized using vis_coco.py inside this repo:

As you can see, all instance classes were token out from cityscapes, which can be conclude as:



python3 convert_cityscapes_to_coco.py

For visual:

python3 vis_coco.py path/to/annn.json path/to/images/

note: You have to move all cityscapes images to a single folder without any subfolders just follow the coco structures.


All rights belongs to Fagang Jin, codes released under Apache License