
Fivem Menu

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

menu menu menu menu menu

This is a modified version of NH Context by NeroHiro LICENSE


make sure to set inventoryName vairable inside client.lua to correct value.

local inventoryName = 'qb-inventory'
  • Here is a base menu to show how it works.
        is_header = "true/false to disable clicking on this element @swkeep",
        header = "The Header, whatever you want to put", -- Required
        subheader = "The base of the text in the button",
        footer = "The bottom text on the button",
        disabled = "true/false if you want to disable this button from being pressed, and will change to a disabled color",
        submenu = "true/false if you want to have an arrow showing that this button will access another menu",
        server = "true/false if you want the button to trigger a server event",
        command = "ExecuteCommand @swkeep",
        QBCommand = "QBCore:CallCommand @swkeep",
        action = "trigger a function @swkeep",
        image = "add an image url here and itll show off to the left side when you hover over this button, example below",
        unpack = true/false -- receive args as one pack to a table or unpacked args for function @swkeep
        hide = true/false, -- @swkeep will skip element when true
        event = "the event you actually want to trigger, remember if you set it server = true this will pass to the server side",
        icon = "show a fontawesome icon @swkeep",
        back = "add back icon to btn @swkeep",
        leave = "add leave icon and close event to btn @swkeep",
        args = { -- These are the arguments you send with the event
            boolean -- the order you put these in will be the order they kick out thru the receiving event function(table, integer, boolean)
  • Exmaple of using the Function to build a menu
     local Menu = {
               header = "Go Back",
               back = true,
               header = "Main Title",
               header = "Sub Menu Button",
               subheader = "This goes to a sub menu",
               -- event = "keep-crafting:client:test",
               image = "weapon_assaultrifle",
               icon = 'fa-solid fa-diagram-successor',
               args = { 1, 2 },
               action = function(args)
                    print('boom', args)
               submenu = true,
               header = "Sub Menu Button",
               subheader = "This goes to a sub menu",
               event = "keep-crafting:client:test",
               image = "weapon_assaultrifle",
               icon = 'fa-solid fa-diagram-successor',
               submenu = true,
               disabled = true,
               args = { 1, 2 }
               header = "Leave",
               leave = true

     local Menu = {
               header = "Go Back",
               back = true,
               header = "Main Title",
               header = "Sub Menu Button",
               subheader = "This goes to a sub menu",
               -- event = "keep-crafting:client:test",
               image = "weapon_assaultrifle",
               icon = 'fa-solid fa-diagram-successor',
               args = {
                         some = 'asd',
                         wal = 'sad5454',
               action = function(args)
                    print('boom', args)
               submenu = true,
               header = "Leave",
               leave = true

     -- In args, `1` is returned because it has an integer index, and the rest of the data does not
     -- An non-integer indexes such as "some" or "wal" they will be packed into a table and returned last.
     local one, rest = exports['keep-menu']:createMenu(Menu)



  • overlay values won't update when a menu is active
  • you can update overlay values on runtime
  • overlay won't close by it self or hotkeys you should call a event to close it.
  • overlay won't change the focus of screen

How to use overlay

local Overlay = {
     header = 'Match Info',
     icons = {
          header = 'fa-solid fa-circle-info',
          subheader = 'fa-solid fa-circle-question',
          footer = 'fa-solid fa-circle-xmark'
     subheader = string.format('Your Team Points: 0/%d'),
     footer = string.format('Enemy Team Points: 0/%d'),
  • or update values on runtime
     for index = 1, 10, 1 do
          local Overlay = {
               header = 'Match Info',
               icons = {
                    header = 'fa-solid fa-circle-info',
                    subheader = 'fa-solid fa-circle-question',
                    footer = 'fa-solid fa-circle-xmark'
               subheader = string.format('Your Team Points: 0/%d', index),
               footer = string.format('Enemy Team Points: 0/%d', index + 5),
     -- don't forget to close the overlay