Code and slides for Property Based Testing talk
- "A_xxx" is the dialog with the Enterprise Developer From Hell
- "B_xxx" where we build a custom property checker to test the properties of addition
- "C_xxx" uses FsCheck to test the same properties of addition
- "D_xxx" has examples of using FsCheck generators
- "E_xxx" has examples of choosing properties for FizzBuzz and more
The slides are PropBasedTesting.pdf
Useful links
- FsCheck home page and documentation
- Expecto/FsCheck integration
- My (now ancient) posts on FSFFAP. The associated video was lost with the demise of SkillsMatter :(.
- Nicolas Rinaudo: Much Ado About Testing (video) -- has lots of examples, including face recognition.
- Writing Better Tests Than Humans Can Part 2: Model-based Tests with FsCheck in C# -- "rather than come up with a contrived example, I’m going to use a real example of where we used FsCheck to prove the safety of Helios 2.1 - the socket library that powers the remoting and clustering systems inside Akka.NET 1.1. "
- Property-Based Testing in a Screencast Editor -- great example of testing a real world problem. Also, updated and available as a book.
- Migrating a C# test suite to property based tests in F# -- "I’ve been wanting to try property-based testing in a real-life situation for some time, and decided to try it out with the test suite for our open source library ActiveLogin.Identity."