
Sample code using the CloudKit framework.



This repo simply contains sample code for using the CloudKit framework.


####Languages Objective-C and Swift

####Sample Code

icon How to CREATE a new record in a Container's Public Database using Objective-C

icon How to CREATE a new record in a Container's Public Database using Swift

icon How to FETCH a record in a Container's Public Database with a known Record ID using Objective-C

icon How to FETCH a record in a Container's Public Database with a known Record ID using Swift

icon How to UPDATE a record in a Container's Public Database using Objective-C

icon How to UPDATE a record in a Container's Public Database using Swift

icon How to QUERY a record from a Container's Public Database with NSPredicate using Objective-C

icon How to QUERY a record from a Container's Public Database with NSPredicate using Swift

####Setting Up Your Project

In Xcode, simply turn on the iCloud capability, check on CloudKit, and start writing code :)

See screenshot below ...


####Launching the CloudKit Dashboard

In Xcode, under the iCloud capability section, simply click on the CloudKit Dashboard button. This will open the Dashboard in your web browser. Alternatively, just go to https://icloud.developer.apple.com/dashboard and authenticate with your Developer Program credentials.

All of your CloudKit containers between your different Apps are centrally managed here. Use the top left drop-down list to switch between different App Containers.

See screenshot below ...

