
Basic nix flake to install the kubectl-gs plugin

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Nix Flake for kubectl-gs

This repository contains a very basic Nix Flake providing the Giantswarm Kubectl plugin as a package. It is intended to be added to dev shells.


To reference this flake use the following format: github:swoehrl-mw/nix-kubectl-gs/v<version>. If you just want the latest version and don't care about version pinning, remove the /v<version> part.

Example: github:swoehrl-mw/nix-kubectl-gs/v4.6.0

To use the package with devbox, simply add the reference to your devbox.json packages:

    "packages": [

To add the package to a classic nix-shell, use the following snippet in your shell.nix:

pkgs.mkShellNoCC {
  packages = [
    (builtins.getFlake "github:swoehrl-mw/nix-kubectl-gs/v4.6.0").packages.${builtins.currentSystem}.kubectl-gs


Steps to update the Flake to a new version:

  1. Change the version in calc_hashes.sh and run the script
  2. Edit flake.nix:
    1. Paste the output of the script into the source_hashes block
    2. Change the pkg_version
  3. Commit and push the changes
  4. Tag the commit with the new version