
Polish day off and feast utility classes

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

polish-date-utils Java CI with Maven


This project contains classes for managing some polish (and not only) feast and days off.



Clone and install

git clone https://github.com/swojcicki/polish-date-utils.git
cd polish-date-utils
mvn clean install

Add Maven dependency


Easter class

This class counts Easter date for given year using updated Gauss algorithm.

Easter.of(2020).getDate(); // returns 2020-04-12, Easter date
IntStream.range(2020, 2030)
         .mapToObj(year -> (year + " " + Easter.of(year).getDate()))

MoveableFeast class

This class contains moveable feast dates for given year or given Easter object. Feast dates depends on Easter date.

MoveableFeast moveableFeast = MoveableFeast.of(2020);
moveableFeast.getAshWednesday(); // returns date 46 days before Easter

Feast class

PolishFeast class

DayOff class

PolishDayOff class

PolishDayOffUtils class