A collection of shell scripts meant to be run in Linux for automating various tasks
- dnsimple-dns-record-updater.sh Determine the current local dynamic IP address then update the A record using DNSimple API
- dnsimple-export-zones.sh Export the zone file for each domain in a DNSimple account
- elasticsearch-java-update.sh Install or update Java and Elasticsearch to the latest versions
- elasticsearch-restart.sh Stop/start Java & Elasticsearch
- ffmpeg-compiler.sh Compile ffmpeg and components from source
- install-newrelic-agent.sh Install New Relic monitoring agent on a server
- install-redis-cli.sh Install the Redis CLI
- install-s3cmd.sh Install and setup s3cmd from the GitHub Repo
- log-rotate.sh Rotate system logs, web server logs, and app logs for each environment
- mysql-backup-local-to-s3.sh Dump a MySQL database, gzip it then upload to AWS S3
- papertrail-archive-download.sh Download your Papertrail Log Archives from current day through past n days prior
- sendmail-disable-internal-routing.sh Disable internal sendmail routing
- sendmail-auth.sh Resolve the X-Authentication-Warning header in emails sent via sendmail
- setup-papertrail.sh Setup Papertrail for each environment on server
- shellshock-test.sh Test Bash and ZSH for shellshock vulnerability
- update-rackspace-driveclient.sh Update Rackspace Driveclient Cloud Backup Agent on Ubuntu
- update-rbenv.sh Update RBENV and plugins, RubyGems, Bundler on a Ruby app webserver