A collection of scripts for performing various actions with Twitter, mostly using Twython
- camera-tweet.py Tweet an image from the Raspberry Pi camera
- cpu-memory-usage-tweet.py Tweet an image from the output of the top command
- cputemp-tweet.py Tweet your current Raspberry Pi CPU temperature
- disk-usage-tweet.py Tweet an image from the output of the df command
- forecast-tweet.py Tweet current NYC weather forecast
- getforecast1.sh Get current NYC weather forecast and abbreviate as much as possible for Twitter (part 1)
- getforecast2.sh Get current NYC weather forecast and abbreviate as much as possible for Twitter (part 2)
- getweather.sh Get current NYC weather and abbreviate as much as possible for Twitter
- install-twython.sh Install Twython, a Twitter API Python library
- ip-tweet.py Tweet Raspberry Pi IP Address
- os-tweet.py Tweet your current Raspberry Pi OS version details
- status-tweet.py Tweet the text that is passed as an argument
- twitter_api_creds.py Sets Twitter API credentials as environment variables
- weather-tweet.py Tweet current NYC weather conditions