
Physics Simulations and Sandbox

Primary LanguageC++


This is my main personal project. I have been contributing with varying intensity over the last 7 years. Once when I was trying to get my 1st real job, right out of school. 2 years later when I wanted to re-visit it with Git and some reasonable software project knowledge. And 5 years later, after moving to CB, switching jobs, experimenting with multiple languages, getting into functional programming, and generally getting deeper into software.

When it was originally conceived, I was only planning to figure out some graphics basics. At that point, I wasn't even using any of the OpenGL primitives, but was drawing everything point-by-point and transformation-by-transformation just for the sake of going through that process myself. After I was able to draw simple shapes, I decided a long-term direction for the project as physics simulation software.

Over the next few months, I added many features:

  • Physical properties for my shape objects
  • Naive (n^2) force calculation methods for all active objects
  • The ability to output every frame of a simulation for later compositing into videos
  • Rudimentary saving/loading for lists of objects
  • An Observer class for manipulating the vantage point when running simulations
  • UI that allows
  • Pausing/Unpausing simulations
  • Slowing down/Speeding up simulations
  • Changing the viewing position
  • Creating new objects

More recently, I've made more significant improvements, including:

  • Removed almost all global variables
  • Expanded physical properties of my shape objects
  • n log(n) force calculation method for active objects

Future improvements and additions

  • Use Boost serialization libraries to get more formal saving/loading capabilities.
  • Improve Makefiles
  • Make it easier to tweak Quadrant attributes.
  • Output straight to video file and skip intermediate image stage
  • Parallelize calculation code.
  • Get rid of sgVec's and use a more popular and mature vector library, most likely Boost.

Installation requirements: sudo apt install libjpeg-dev -Correction: sudo apt install libjpeg8-dev pacman -S libjpeg9

// Some combination of these?? sudo apt-get install libgraphicsmagick++1-dev sudo apt-get install libgraphicsmagick1-dev

sudo pacman -S plib boost sudo pacman -S grc

Important Commands // This is the command I should be executing as I develop make && make test && ./build/Tests && ./build/PhysicsSandbox r 1

Turning output images into a video:

 ffmpeg  -i outFrame%05d.jpg -framerate 1 -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=-2:1440:flags=neighbor -r 30 ../WorthyVideos/current.mp4 && vlc ../WorthyVideos/current.mp4

Full Build Time as of 2020-06-07: 2m20s