- 3
Swoole TS image?
#55 opened by volodymyr-hordiienko - 3
Add `--enable-swoole-sqlite` to builds
#54 opened by binaryfire - 2
- 10
Swoole alpine php8.3 composer fails with a segfault
#45 opened by devrla - 3
- 1
install - PHP extendion like, php8.1-fpm, php8.1-common, php8.1-cli, php-pear
#43 opened by mchterence - 1
Investigate Performance Disparity: Benchmarks of Swoole PHP in Alpine vs. Ubuntu Images
#44 opened by daalvand - 1
phpswoole/swoole:php8.2-dev won't install php extensions via docker-php-ext-install
#42 opened by iliavlad - 1
Cannot install any extension on -dev tags
#40 opened by foremtehan - 2
Support for http2
#39 opened by oltreseba - 3
- 2
Alpine 3.16 Update
#36 opened by flexchar - 4
v5.0.0 doesn't seem to install inotify-tools?
#34 opened by XhmikosR - 8
- 2
Something wrong when Install Redis extendsion
#32 opened by WangNingkai - 1
- 1
- 1
Error deploying last version
#29 opened by NastuzziSamy - 1
docker build 报错!
#24 opened by ximenhuangguaduo - 3
Issue with Deployment on K8S
#25 opened by babarinde - 1
When I'am getting phpswoole/swoole:php8.0 Docker image I got Alpine image instead Debian
#22 opened by texnicii - 10
example 00 cannot run as expected
#19 opened by wereset - 1
- 1
Update images
#18 opened by basz - 2
Run command throw error.
#16 opened by tubitzee - 1
#15 opened by galliroberto - 3
- 1
#13 opened by wzhih - 2
Why no php 7.4 image?
#12 opened by fibis - 1
Why not using official php image?
#8 opened by garveen - 1