
Data Visualization portfolio where we get data from major US bikeshare companies and find insights within the data.

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US Bikeshare Data Visualization

In this project, we aim to analyze and create visualizations based on 2 of the US's most popular bikeshare service providers: CitiBike in NYC and BlueBikes in Boston. Based on the data we will compare several stories that underly within the data.

Setup Instructions

Firstly, in a terminal window clone the git repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/swopnilnep/DataVisualization
$ cd /data/bikeshare/

If the directory does not exist, make a directory in the location

$ mkdir data`
$ cd data`
$ mkdir nyc unified boston

Get the NYC data from here:

  • Stations - Save to /data/bikeshare/data/nyc/stations.json
  • Data - Save to /data/bikeshare/data/nyc/nyc.csv

Get the Boston data from here:

  • Stations - Included in trip history download
  • Data - Save to /data/bikeshare/data/boston/boston.csv

In your repository, navigate to ./scripts and run all three scripts in this particular order.

$ python3 nyc_normalize.py
$ python3 boston_normalize.py
$ python3 merge_datasets.py

Make sure you have pandas and numpy installed through either pip or Anaconda


  • BuzzFeed Bikeshare Data Visualization
  • Citibike - NYC Bikeshare Data
  • Hubway - Boston