Pinned issues
- 2
- 1
Can we have @mui/lab?
#298 opened by CristianPi - 0
- 0
Random LinearProgress animation even if value={0}
#290 opened by Azq2 - 2
- 2
Double rendering
#251 opened by MariuzM - 3
- 1
Checkbox doesn't display label
#294 opened by edoelk - 1
Automatic dark theme is not working
#289 opened by Azq2 - 1
TablePagination is missing
#293 opened by jitcoder - 2
`<MenuItem component={Button}>`
#226 opened by Industrial - 1
- 2
Add autocomplete feature
#279 opened by nate-summercook - 1
Virtual data tables
#273 opened by mxyhi - 1
- 1
Is this library still being maintained?
#283 opened by zjkmxy - 1
Problem with Astro integration
#276 opened by geohuz - 1
Why is the theme style change invalid?
#278 opened by solid-component - 1
Rollup-Error in latest version of `solid-start`
#277 opened by Bersaelor - 1
- 2
Drawer variant persistent?
#275 opened by geohuz - 1
Select border/label overlap with empty MenuItem value
#272 opened by lukexor - 3
SSR Support for Select component
#268 opened by BierDav - 4
Buildless option
#270 opened by lukexor - 0
FormControl using incorrect variant?
#269 opened by lighth7015 - 3
ReactToSolid Error
#265 opened by wakaztahir - 5
- 3
How to add custom colors to palette in Typescript?
#246 opened by Bersaelor - 0
TextField with number input
#264 opened by T3ch0o - 2
Grid Item covers items in the row above
#263 opened by NinoM4ster - 1
SUIDx - Data Grid
#260 opened by grumpyTofu - 3
- 1
Select + Dynamic options. Selected dynamic option does not trigger change event.
#261 opened by dpaniq - 1
`<ScopedCssBaseline />`?
#259 opened by devinrhode2 - 1
Height of multiline textfield "jumps around" when element is created outside of DOM
#250 opened by evertheylen - 1
Any plans on porting Joy UI also ?
#248 opened by zakhar-gulchak - 1
Hydration error when using `<Select/>`
#253 opened by BierDav - 1
Problem with <ListItemText/>
#243 opened by T3ch0o - 6
- 2
Hydration Mismatch when using TextField endAdornment
#233 opened by BierDav - 2
Forwarding props doesn't supporting by styled
#249 opened by zakhar-gulchak - 4
Cannot use SUID to build web components
#231 opened by vorth - 0
Popper export missing in 0.13.2
#241 opened by codylindley - 7
createTheme and ThemeProvider issues
#228 opened by g0dzcsgo - 1
How to use directives with SUID components?
#237 opened by Bersaelor - 0
Component doesn't work for Paper
#234 opened by BierDav - 1
Dialog does not auto focus or lock focus
#225 opened by quasaray - 2
Some issues with `<Grid>`
#230 opened by Industrial - 1
Breakpoints, how do I use them?
#229 opened by Industrial - 0
Error when using icons
#224 opened by Industrial