Template Challenge

This is a template challenge for the eLearninga Embedded Challenge Platform (ECP).

Getting started


  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Open VS Code
  3. Install PlatformIO
  4. Create an account for PlatformIO (You can do it directly in VS Code)
  5. Send us an email with your pio email address to ingaelearn@gmail.com to get access to our boards (It may take a few hours)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open it with VS Code
  3. Setup the platformio.ini file
    • You can share your own board
      • Look up your board, platform, framework info here.
      • Check on which port it connects to your PC (COM*, or provided here)
      • And you can share it with other pio users as explained here
      • If you want to share it via the ECP Community, just send an email with your platformio.ini file to ingaelearn@gmail.com
    • Use a board from the community
      • Send us your pio email address to ingaelearn@gmail.com
      • We will give you access to the boards (It may take a few hours)
  4. The challenge/challenge.h file contains the challenge description, and a function, that the student should fill with the solution. (There can be more functions, and more challenge files btw, but the rest of the code should be adapted).
    • Write what is the challenge in comments
    • Write the function signature and body, with a dummy return, so you can build and test your code.
  5. The testing/inc/testing.h and testing/src/testing.cpp are containing the testing functions that tests the students solution. If you have your own implementation of the challenge (a solution for the challenge), so you can easily test the students code, you should put it in the testing.cpp, because it will be archived, and the student won’t be able to read it easily.
    • Write the test in the testing.h and testing.cpp
    • You can use the challenge.h in the testing.cpp file (else it will fail)
  6. The sample_tests/sample_tests.cpp contains the calling of the tests you wrote in testing.h and testing.cpp. This file will be called, when the student runs the unit tests.
    • Call your test functions with RUN_TEST(); between UNITY_BEGIN(); and UNITY_END();
  • All the tests that are called in the sample_test.cpp, will be run in the same run of the microcontroller
  • If you need to do tests after fresh flashing, you can create a new folder under test/ like sample_test2, and copy the content of the sample_tests.cpp to sample_tests2.cpp file, but change the RUN_TEST() calls. Each subfolder under test, will have a fresh reflashing of the microcontroller. Each folder will be executed independently, after reflashing.
  1. If you are ready with all the files, test it if it runs on the microcontroller, you want to use. If it does not work, debug it.
    • All tests will fail, because you did not solve the challenge
    • If you want to make sure the tests are good, add your solution into the challenge file, and test it, if all the tests are passing.
  2. If it works, you should change the content of the lib/testing folder, like the following:
    • Delete the cpp file under lib/testing/src (you can save it elsewhere, maybe you will need it later)
    • Go to .pio/build/<env_name>, and look for the libtesting.a, and copy it to the lib/testing folder.
    • Uncomment (remove semicolon) in the platformio.ini file from the following line:
;build_flags = -Ilib/testing/inc -Llib/testing -llibtesting
  1. You are done! Zip this folder, or push it to git, and you can send it around.
  2. If you want to submit to the community, then please send us the link for the git repo, or just the source, and we will create the git repo, then share it with the community. Thanks for sharing :)

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