

This project is a reference for who want to build microservice solutions with the ABP Framework.


  • Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
  • Install NGINX ingress for k8s or Install NGINX ingress using helm
    helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install --version=4.0.19 ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add abp-charts https://abpframework.github.io/abp-charts/eshoponabp

Initial authentication data (redirectURIs etc) are seeded based on eshop-st name and eshop namespace for the deployment.

Configuring HTTPS

You can also run the staging solution on your local Kubernetes Cluster with HTTPS. There are various ways to create self-signed certificate.

Installing mkcert

This guide will use mkcert to create self-signed certificates.

Follow the installation guide to install mkcert.

Creating mkcert Root CA

Use the command to create root (local) certificate authority for your certificates:

mkcert -install

Note: all the certificates created by mkcert certificate creation will be trusted by local machine

Run mkcert

Create certificate for the eshopOnAbp domains using the mkcert command below:

mkcert "eshop-st-web" "eshop-st-public-web" "eshop-st-authserver" "eshop-st-identity" "eshop-st-administration" "eshop-st-basket" "eshop-st-catalog" "eshop-st-ordering" "eshop-st-payment" "eshop-st-gateway-web" "eshop-st-gateway-web-public"

At the end of the output you will see something like

The certificate is at "./eshop-st-web+10.pem" and the key at "./eshop-st-web+10-key.pem"

Copy the cert name and key name below to create tls secret

kubectl create namespace eshop
kubectl create secret tls -n eshop eshop-wildcard-tls --cert=./eshop-st-web+10.pem --key=./eshop-st-web+10-key.pem

How to run?

  • Add entries to the hosts file (in Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, in linux and macos: /etc/hosts ): eshop-st-web eshop-st-public-web eshop-st-authserver eshop-st-identity eshop-st-administration eshop-st-basket eshop-st-catalog eshop-st-ordering eshop-st-payment eshop-st-gateway-web eshop-st-gateway-web-public
  • Run helm upgrade --install eshop-st abp-charts/eshoponabp --namespace eshop --create-namespace

  • You may wait ~30 seconds on first run for preparing the database.

  • Browse https://eshop-st-public-web for public and https://eshop-st-web for web application

  • Username: admin, password: 1q2w3E*.