
Tiny Python

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Tiny Python

Base on Python2.7.16


I like python, but dont like indent/dedent for code block package. In fact, some cases, indent makes a mass.., so modify the grammar a little.


  • Using '{' and '}', Code Block lies between '{' '}' as well as c/c++ language.
  • Statement must ends with ';'
  • In 'try except' statement, except must be followed with a expression
  • "None" replaced with "nil"
  • "True" replaced with "true"
  • "False" replaced with "false"
  • function "def" replaced with "function" (from javascript)
  • remove "self" as the function first arg, "self" will be insterted in compiling stage.
  • "self" is replaced with "this" (from c++/javascrpit/c#)
  • In class method , using this keyword reference to the class instance(the function first argument)
  • In classmethod, using cls keyword reference to the class object(the function first argument)


  if True:
    print "If True"
  print "except could with none parameter"
 class Base(object):
  def __init__(self):
    print "Class Base"
    self.value = None
  def show(self):
    print self.value

Tiny Python:

  if true
    print "If true";
except Exception 
  print "except must have one expression...";

class Base(object)
  function __init__()
    print "Class Base";
    this.value = nil;
  function show()
    print this.value;

Build & Install

Build is based on python-cmake-buildsystem, after checking out the repo, update the python-cmake-buildsystem submodule, and switch to ForTPY Branch.

cd TinyPython
git submodule update --init python-cmake-buildsystem
cd python-cmake-buildsystem
git pull origin ForTPY
git checkout ForTPY
cd .. 
mkdir build
mkdir install
cd build 
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ./python-cmake-buildsystem
make && make install