
Telegram bot library for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir



This library is a client implementation of the official bot API, without any encapsulation. Original flavor!

A little more cautious 😝

The models and APIs of this library are all constructed by DSL (well-designed macros) and contain complete typespecs.

It fully supports bot API version 4.9 and will continue to support the latest version.

However, there are still some methods that lack testing, so I must remind everyone to be careful. If you encounter a bug, please report it in time.

Webhook support?

If you need webhook mode, please look forward to the 0.2.0 version.

Examples & Help

There are some complete example projects in the examples directory. Their code contains relatively complete comments to teach you how to get updates (receive messages) correctly and add related services to the supervision tree.

Welcome to communicate here: @elixir_telegex

Related libraries


Add Telegex to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:telegex, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Run the mix deps.get command to install.


Add your bot token to config/config.exs, like this:

config :telegex,
  token: "<BOT_TOKEN>",
  # This is the default and optional, will be passed as options to `HTTPoison.post/4`.
  timeout: 1000 * 15,
  # This is the default and optional, will be passed as options to `HTTPoison.post/4`.
  recv_timeout: 1000 * 10


Here are some examples of common API calls.


iex> Telegex.get_me
   can_join_groups: true,
   can_read_all_group_messages: false,
   first_name: "TelegexTest",
   id: 1192456069,
   is_bot: true,
   language_code: nil,
   last_name: nil,
   supports_inline_queries: false,
   username: "telegex_test_bot"


iex> Telegex.get_updates limit: 50
     message: %Telegex.Model.Message{
       new_chat_photo: nil,
       author_signature: nil,
       forward_sender_name: nil,
     poll: nil,
     poll_answer: nil,
     pre_checkout_query: nil,
     shipping_query: nil,
     update_id: 174059571,


iex> Telegex.send_message -1001486769003, "Hello Telegex!"
   venue: nil,
   chat: %Telegex.Model.Chat{
     id: -1001486769003,
     title: "Dev test",
     type: "supergroup",
   date: 1593272573,
   message_id: 4146,
   text: "Hello Telegex!",
   from: %Telegex.Model.User{can_join_groups: nil, ...},
   video_note: nil,

For more details, please refer to the documentation and the official page of the Telegram bot API.