
GNU Makefile simplifier

Primary LanguageMakefileOtherNOASSERTION


This tool is outdated and I recommend you to try CMake. It's been years since I created it and CMake does everything "dotmk" does and is much more sophisticated.

If you really want to try "dotmk" please use it at your own risk.


The "dotmk" project is composed by a set of GNU make scripts that are able to simplify drastically the Makefile creation process. If your project needs to use GNU make to compile its software, "dotmk" can simplify all the complicated process of rules definitions and compiler commands creation. This task sometimes takes lots of time to understand, define and debug, but "dotmk" does it just by setting a couple of variables and a include line.

For now "dotmk" is only able to handle two basic tasks: C/C++ software building (compilation and linking) and recursive calling GNU make in subdirectories. We intent to implement other objectives like Doxygen extraction, LaTeX documents compilation or Java support but this will come over the time. The instructions to install "dotmk" in your project and execute each task follows.


The installation process consists in the building of GNU make scripts under a directory called mk in the project which will use "dotmk". tHE REsult will be just that the project will contain that mk directory with some .mk files in it.

To do that, unpack the "dotmk" package and call its install.sh script with a target directory as its argument:

$ tar -xzf dotmk-0.2.tar.gz
$ cd dotmk
$ ./install.sh ~/my-project

And that will create the ~/my-project/mk directory with a few .mk files in it. That will enable the use of "dotmk" in that project and you can proceed with the Makefile creation in the next section.


Building C/C++ Software

The building process of a software coded in the C/C++ language is usually simple. It consists in compiling its source code and linking the resulted objects into one binary module, which might be a library or a executable. There may be more details in this process, but this is the simplest example.

To build a Makefile without the "dotmk" project you would need to know how to define its rules (which are not that simple), call GCC with its compiling arguments, linking options and maybe AR. With "dotmk" you need to include the following 3 intuitive lines in the Makefile file:

SRCS=foo.c bar.c
include mk/build.mk

This would instruct GNU make compile the foo.c and bar.c files and link them into the foobar executable. The last line just tells make to include "dotmk" scripts. After that you just need to execute the following line to build it.

$ make

Very simple, uh?

One of the great things of "dotmk" is that it doesn't only define the building targets, but the dependency detection and cleaning ones also. To create the .depend file (please look at mkdep manual to understand what it is) you need to call:

$ make dep

And to finally clean all that mess you can call:

$ make clean

It would clean all the built objects (create with the default make command), but not the .depend file. To clean all the remaining file you would need to call:

$ make distclean

And that's it.

If you need to build a library just change the PROG variable name to LIB:

SRCS=foo.c bar.c
include mk/build.mk

This would build the libfoobar.so and libfoobar.a binaries, but without version definition. We intent to implement soon that too.

If you need to build more than one executable or library, use PROGS or LIBS and prefix every SRCS line with the name of the program (or library) followed by a underline. For example:

PROGS=foobar qwerty
foobar_SRCS=foo.c bar.c
qwerty_SRCS=qwe.c rty.c
include mk/build.mk

If you need to build the foobar and qwerty programs AND the asdfgh and zxcvbn libraries:

PROGS=foobar qwerty
LIBS=asdfgh zxcvbn
foobar_SRCS=foo.c bar.c
qwerty_SRCS=qwe.c rty.c
asdfgh_SRCS=asd.c fgh.c
zxcvbn_SRCS=zxc.c vbn.c
include mk/build.mk

And if you need to include library dependency, dynamic (.so) or static (.a), use the LIBDIRS and DEPLIBS variables:

foobar_SRCS=foo.c bar.c
# libfftw.so is under /usr/local/lib
foobar_DEPLIBS=fftw /opt/gtest/lib/libgtest.a ../lame.a
include mk/build.mk

If your software depends on other softwares that uses pkg-config description files (.pc), you just need to use the DEPPKGCONFIG variable:

PROGS=foo qux

And that would use the headers and libraries of Xinerama and X11 when building the foo and qux programs respectively. If you wish to pass a pkg-config argument while getting CFLAGS and LIBS settings, just pass it along with the packages in the same DEPPKGCONFIG variable. Don't forget to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable (make or environment) if the .pc files aren't located in the default search path.

To include already compiled objects in your binary you should use the OBJS variable:

include mk/build.mk

For headers dependency (include) there is the INCDIRS variable:

include mk/build.mk

You could think that this is beginning to be too complicated but, believe me, with only GNU make the Makefile would be MUCH more complicated.

Qt/Qmake Support

If you have a Qt application that is already built with "qmake" and you wish to include it in your project that uses "dotmk" I'd say that it is possible. You just need to define your .pro file with the PRO variable and include the mk/qmake.mk script:

include mk/qmake.mk

This would make the "dotmk" call the "qmake" utility whenever needed to build the foo software. You can also define the QMAKE variable to call "qmake" by a different command, for example:

include mk/qmake.mk

With that setting "dotmk" would use the Qt3 version of "qmake" in a Debian-like GNU/Linux distribution.

Recursive Calling in Subdirectories

If you have a project with lots of programs or libraries to be compiled, maybe a good way to organize them would be dividing it into subdirectories. For example, if you have the foo program and the bar library, you could create a project tree as:

|-- Makefile
|-- bar
|   |-- Makefile
|   `-- main.c
|-- foo
|   |-- Makefile
|   `-- main.c
`-- mk
    |-- build.mk
    `-- subdir.mk

To simplify the make command calls without the need to enter it two or more times, you could use "dotmk" by just creating the following Makefile the main directory:

SUBDIRS=bar foo
include mk/subdir.mk

This would enable the recursive call for the all, clean, distclean and install targets.

Global definitions

There are situations where you need to set a variable for every Makefile that is called. For these times you need to create a local mk file. The name of the file must be the base name of the mk file you want to precede, suffixed by the -local.mk name and created in the same directory where that mk file is.

For example, if you need to set the PREFIX variable to install all files of your project in a different directory, do it in the build-local.mk file under the same directory where the original build.mk file is:

$ echo PREFIX=/opt/foobar >> mk/build-local.mk

And then every make install command called will install the built files under the /opt/foobar directory.

Cross Compiling

The cross compiling procedure is pretty simple: just set the CROSS_COMPILE variable. Example:

SRCS=main.cpp foo.c bar.c FooBar.cpp
include ../mk/build.mk

This would compile the eptime for ARM processor using arm-linux-gnu-gcc and arm-linux-gnu-g++ as the compilers and arm-linux-gnu-g++ as the linker.

If you have a whole project which needs to be cross compiled, you can define that variable in the local mk file called build-local.mk. For that just go to the directory where "dotmk" was installed and run:

$ echo CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu- >> mk/build-local.mk

Debug Instructions

The debug mode is disabled if the DEBUG variable isn't defined, empty, defined as n, N, no or NO. In any other cases (defined as y, yes or even x) the debug mode is enabled and some special gcc arguments will be passed. These arguments are:

  • -O0: disable optimization -- make debugging produce the expected results;
  • -ggdb3: produce debugging information for use by GDB;
  • -DDEBUG: a macro to determine that the code is being compiled in debug mode;

When not in debug mode, the arguments are:

  • -O2: optimize "even more" -- perform nearly all supported optimizations;
  • -DNDEBUG: a macro to determine that the code is NOT being compiled in debug mode;