
GUI tools for generating tool paths from mesh models offline

Primary LanguageC++


ROS-based GUI interface for generating tool paths from mesh models offline

Build Status

Platform CI Status
Linux (Xenial) Xenial-Build
Linux (Bionic) Bionic-Build
Linux (Focal) Focal-Build


Github Issues



This repository depends on the Noether tool path planning repository which utilizes custom versions of PCL and VTK. Follow its instructions for installing the required dependencies

SQL Database (Optional)

The following debian packages are required to use the database functionality. Please ensure they have been installed before building this repository.

  • libqt5sql5-mysql
  • libmysqlclient-dev
  • libssl-dev

Install instructions

  1. After cloning the repository, install its dependencies into your workspace.

    cd <path_to_workspace>
    wstool init src src/toolpath_offline_planning/dependencies.rosinstall
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  2. Build and source the workspace

    # Optionally skip building the SQL database interface package
    catkin config -a --blacklist opp_database
    # Build the repository
    catkin build
    source devel/setup.bash

Offline Tool Path Planner GUI

The tool path planner GUI is an RViz panel designed to facilitate the setup of new models and tool path planning on those models. The GUI also hosts an interface to the database for saving this information.


  1. Build and source the package
  2. Run the application
    roslaunch opp_startup planner_application.launch
  3. Follow the order of operations of the GUI Load an object define touchoff and verification points save the object to the database create a new job run one of the many tool path planners save the job to a database